12/09/22 - SHIUR 398

Seudas Shabbos – Eating out by others who have different Kashrus standards than you | Kiruv – Who should you and who shouldn’t you invite to your home?

Should you in invite guests/ Kiruv at your Shabbos Seudos or is at expense of your children’s Shabbos experience and your relationship with your children?
If someone has different Kashrus standards than you can you eat in their house? What if they’ll be insulted if you don’t come?
What type of a Chezkas Kashrus does a person need to eat by him? If you’re a bachur and someone you don’t know, in shul, invites you, what constitutes a Chezkas Kashrus?
If you know your host is ‘modern’ for example he keeps Kashrus, Shabbos and Taharas Hamishpacha, can you eat there? What about if he tells you I bought the highest degree of kashrus for you, is he נאמן?


Levi Felsenthal

I enjoy your shiurim very much. Often you play different comments who question if such sensitive topics should be made in a public forum. you leave it as an open question discussing the various problems and the benefits. Why don’t you run a show on it? have on r’ avrohom neuberger (i ... Read More

I enjoy your shiurim very much.

Often you play different comments who question if such sensitive topics should be made in a public forum. you leave it as an open question discussing the various problems and the benefits.
Why don’t you run a show on it? have on r’ avrohom neuberger (i believe he helps mishpacha magazine who deals with this issue), R’ Ahron Lopiansky, R’ Bender, someone chassidish and another michanech and see what they say.
tizku lamitzvos
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Levi Felsenthal

I saw this Maharsham that seems to say that even if people say that the mashgiach is not doing his job, he’s being lazy etc. if it will cause איבה you should eat there. it could even mean that if you need to go to a restaurant who has a hechsher who’s main reason that we don’t eat it is be ... Read More
I saw this Maharsham that seems to say that even if people say that the mashgiach is not doing his job, he’s being lazy etc. if it will cause איבה you should eat there.
it could even mean that if you need to go to a restaurant who has a hechsher who’s main reason that we don’t eat it is because we don’t trust that the mashgichim are on top of their jobs and it will cause איבה if you don’t eat there, then you should eat in that restaurant? or it could be that here you don’t trust the entire beis din so its worse
in addition his geder for איבה seems to be very low. just saying that you personally don’t trust the mashgiach is enough to be considered איבה. even though he won’t really hate you, it will just be uncomfortable.
tizku lamitzvos,דעת תורה
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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Esther Miriam Finer
Gut Voch. To my understanding, I think both riddles are addressed in Artscroll’s Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Chumash compiled by Rabbi Shai Graucher. Regarding the first riddle Rav Chaim points out that Rashi changes the order of the efforts, Doron, Tefilla, Milchoma. Rav Chaim points out that the ... Read More
Gut Voch. To my understanding, I think both riddles are addressed in Artscroll’s Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Chumash compiled by Rabbi Shai Graucher. Regarding the first riddle Rav Chaim points out that Rashi changes the order of the efforts, Doron, Tefilla, Milchoma. Rav Chaim points out that the order in the Pesukim is reversed with the hishtadlus regarding Milchoma first (when Yaakov divided the Machaneh), followed by Tefilla (Katonti) and then the Doron (which was Habah biyado). Rav Chaim explains that Rashi was telling the proper order of Hishtadlus in ordinary circumstances. However, Rav Chaim explains that in this particular case since the gift was from items he already owned there was no action needed until he was ready to actually send it. In contrast (and Rav Chaim doesn’t say it explicity in the Artscroll edition) that In Parshas Mikeitz, it doesn’t say Haba Biyado which indicates that more effort was involved in gathering the gift. Therefore the order was changed and Yaakov Avinu started to prepare that gift (Mizimras HaAretz) first.
Regarding the second riddle, Rav Chaim explains that the ruling of the Rambam refers to a grave within a burial ground. Because Rachel Imeinu was nifter on the way, and not burried in a formal burial ground people would have no way of knowing there was a grave there and could inadvertently become tamei and not realize that they should refrain from touching terumah and kodshim and from entering the Beis Hamikdash. In such a case a marker (‘nefesh’) would be required for all graves regardless of who is interred there.


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Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Farkash
Seudas Shabbos – Eating out by others who have different Kashrus standards than you | Kiruv – Who should you and who shouldn’t you invite to your home?
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Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Mordechai Farkash
Seudas Shabbos – Eating out by others who have different Kashrus standards than you | Kiruv – Who should you and who shouldn’t you invite to your home?
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