What should be the goal of dating?
What are the minimum interactions required by Halacha before engagement and marriage?
What’s the downside of going too quickly? Of going too slowly?
How clear do you need to be about what you are looking for in advance of dating?
What are some great ways to get to know the other person?
עיי״ש ברש״י שהיה גולה מעצמו עמהם, היה רואה כת שלולים בקולרין היה מכניס צוארו ביניהם וכו, לכאורה הוא דבר יסודי בנישואין להשתתף בצערו של חבירו וכו׳ וכו׳
I just got a chance to listen to the interview with Rabbi Berkovits. I’d like to bring to light that in the sefer Rokach Al hatora parshas kedoshim it seems he interprets the Gemara in kidushin that besides the literal meaning of ואהבת לרעך כמוך there’s also a drasha which is an additional pshat in the pasuk. The derasha is לרעך means a wife based on a pasuk in Mishlay, accordingly the translation of ואהבת within the derash means a proper אהבה of marriage of אשתו כגופו.