Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | EL AL Price gouging - Halacha Headlines
09/06/24 - SHIUR 482

Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | EL AL Price gouging

Is there Kedusha on the har Habayis Nowadays?
Can a טמא enter?
Which טמאים can’t enter?
Is the Kosel the wall of the עזרה or the הר הבית?
Can you put your fingers into the wall of the Kosel?
Are you a Rodeif if you go up to the Har Habayis?


Zev Landerer

This is probably the Tiferes Shlomo you referred to in this week’s program:
(Last week’s parasha)’eh.9

Regarding price gouging, flights aren’t always for luxury purposes. One can be traveling for shidduch purposes, levaya RL, kibud av v’em etc.

Regarding planting a tree next to a shul, it seems The Aruch laner and the Netziv seem to argue on R Akiva Eiger as they hold there is no source for such a chumra.

Lubavitcher Rebbe’s view on going up to Har Habayit

From 2nd night of sukkos 5751

That they should make simcha beis hashoeiva akin to that done on Mikdash.

Tzvi Arnstein


I listened to your Har Habayis Shiur, thank you for brining up this important topic. Here are some comments

1) Perhaps in the past there have been 12 different approaches as to where the Azara was, today however it is widely accepted by leading talmidei chachamim and researchers that the route that the people follow has no issues of any Lav or Issur Kareis.

2) The notion of “Mah Li Hatzarah Hazos” is painful to hear at best. The Gemara says that the day of Hakamas Hamishkan was a day of great simcha for Hashem as the day of creation. The entire universe was created for the Avodah of Am Yisrael and for the connection of Shamayim vAretz that it brings. The Torah talks about the Mishkan/Avodah more than any other topic 10X. True Hashraas Hashechina and bracha for this world are ONLY possible via the Mikdash. Without it the entire universe is broken which is why we sit on the floor and cry like aveilim every year for 2000 years.

Think about Hashem for a second, our Father in heaven is yearning to come back to us even more than we are yearning to come back to him. As the Rambam and most Rishonim/Achronim pasken, its a Mitzvah to build the Beis Hamikdash which means that it requires our physical involvement but what are we doing about it? When many people go up to Har Habayis we are democratically forcing the government to change its position and this is already a proven strategy.

Bkitzer my point is that “Mah Li Hatzarah Hazos” is a smack in Hashem’s face. Are we so small minded and selfishly ensconced in our comfort zone that we cannot make the effort to take small steps towards the very reason this universe was created in the first place?

3) About the Kol Koreh from 1967, there is an important angle that’s being missed. Many years ago the Rabannim issued a Kol Koreh assuring the internet or maybe it was smartphones. A short while later that was adjusted to unfiltered internet/smartphones. What changed? What changed was that the tzibbur voiced their need to be connected to the conveniences of the internet and a compromise was reached where the dangers and risks can be mitigated and people can still enjoy its benefits. Lets compare this to Har Habayis. A kol Koreh is issued and everyone just accepts it at face value? What’s wrong with us? How can we live another day without Har Beis Hashem?! The internet with all its filtered shmutz we need but Hashem’s house lies in ruins? We ask Hashem every day to return to Tzion but do we really mean it? Where exactly should he go? Where the Arab kids are playing soccer? Practically speaking, do we avoid getting married because ‘there are Kereis risks’? Maybe we should stop having children because unless one is a real Talmid Chocham your children will likely at some point be Mechalel Shabbos Doryasa which is also bGeder Kareis?

The Gemara says in a few places in different ways that Tzion/Beis Hamikdash requires “Drishah” meaning that we wont get it until we really seek it out and demand it. When we as a people stand up and make that demand, BEH we will get it and all the bracha in the world that comes with it. Bimheira Biyameinu Amen.

Topic Suggestion

Dear R Lichtenstein- I very much enjoy the podcast and the topics you cover. I occasionally speak in shul between Mincha and Maariv on Shabbos and have been preparing a shiur on Immunity in Secular Law and Halacha for Presidents and Kings. As you may know the dissenters in the SCOTUS case Trump v. U .S. argued that the majority elevated the president to the status of a king who has complete immunity from prosecution. The Mishna in Sanhedrin deals with melech lo dan v’lo danin oso and lo meid v’lo meidin oso and the story of Yanai HaMelch etc. That whole sugya including the interpretation of the Mishna in the Yerushalmi is very fascinating to say the least. See,e.g., the explanation of the Yerushalmi in Techumin Vol. 15 by Rabbi Dr. Itmar Warhaftig “Melech Mul Chachamim”. I think discussing the SCOTUS opinion and by contrast what the Gemara, the RAMBAM and others have to say about a king’s immunity – including potential implications for PM Netanyahu’s attempts at obtaining immunity would be very interesting and timely.

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Shiur 365 Riddle


א- לענין שיטת רבי דוד ערמאה המובא בחידושי רע״א לאור״ח,(כנראה שהסכים עמו, דלא כהנצי״ב בתשו׳ משיב דבר ושאר אחרונים), חדא יש להעיר דהנה נקט שם רק איסור דרבנן, ולכאורה כוונתו שס״ל שהגדרת בית הכנסת כמקדש היא ענין דרבנן, אולם מצינו במנין המצוות להרמב״ם בלאו ס״ה שלא לאבד ביהמ״ק שכולל מדאורייתא גם ביהכ״נ, וע״כ שהוא מושג דאורייתא, וא״כ הוי נידון דאורייתא
הנה נקט שם שהאיסור בביהכנ״ס הוא אפילו בחצר, ובנוי על שיטת רש״י עה״ת שיש איסור נטיעה בהר הבית, וכבר העירו עליו שלא מצינו שהגדרת חצר בית הכנסת דינה כמו הר הבית, רק בעצם הבנין יש קדושה, ואפילו יש ענין דגים ועליות, אבל לא חלה על המקום
ולענין הבימה, י״ל ע״פ מה שמצינו בשו״ת חת״ס הבימה היא במקום המזבח, (יש מחלקת בין איזה אחרונים אם נגד מזבח החיצון או פנימי), וכן מצינו בהגדרתה אצל סיבוב הושענות, ועכ״פ המזבח היה מעצים, וכן הארון היה מעצים, ובכלל עיקר הבנין אפשר להיות מעצים

ב- הקושיה היא קושיה חזקה, דבשלמא לפי הרמב״ם לפי פשוטו ליכא אפילו איסור עשה (ואלא צ״ע ביש״ש), וגם לפי הרמב״ן בסה״מ הלא בקע להדיא שלעולם יש מושג של חקירת העתידות ע״י או״ת עיי״ש, ואלא לפי רש״י עה״ת היה נראה שחקירת העתידות בכלל אסור, ולכאורה צ״ל שהגמרא הוריות איירי דוקא בימי התשובה וכוונתו לחקור להתעורר לתשובה וצ״ע (בבהגר״א מציין על מה שנקט הרמ״א שיותר ראוי שלא לחקור את הגמרא פסחים והתם מצינו איסור, ומש״כ הדמשק אליעזר עולה רק עם שיטת הרמב״ן הנ״ל)

בענין עליה להר הבית, יש לפרסם לפי מה שגזרו חכמים עמי הארץ כזבים, כולנו כזבים (ואלא ברגל חברים כל ישראל)


Answer to riddles…

The reason why planting trees around or near the בית הכנסת is מותר is that although a בית הכנסת might have קדושת מקום it does not have קדושה הראויה למזבח so it’s lacking the “אצל המזבח״ aspect, especially when it will be outside of the בהכנ״ס, in the חצר area which is not a מקום for תפלה ועבודה there is no lacking of ״כבוד בית הכנסת . Now With regard to the beams and ארון etc. inside the בהכנ”ס itself, since it is not the tree itself but a derivative of it, just the wood from the tree, we can say כיון דאישתני אישתני .

With regard to the second question, these are just סימנים to be מחזק לבו ולעורר לבו לדבר, but the problem of ניחוש is where you entirely rely on the סימן itself.

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Mrs. Tzippy Yarom, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Nachman Kahane
Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | EL AL Price gouging
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Mrs. Tzippy Yarom, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Nachman Kahane
Aliyah L’har Habayis – An Aliya or a Yeridah? | EL AL Price gouging
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