Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim? - Halacha Headlines
06/09/23 - SHIUR 422

Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim?

When perfected will you be able to rely on AI for Psak?
Do you need a human mind for Psak?
Do you need a human emotion for Psak? [Is Psak dependent on the place, questioners situation etc[
Shouldn’t we rely on a computer when it’s more knowledgeable and doesn’t make mistakes?
Can a computer be מדמה מילתא למילתא?
Is knowledge enough for Psak? Can a child Pasken? Can a Goy Pasken? Can a woman Pasken? [if they knew all the Halachos]
סייעתא דשמיא in Psak – is it needed? Can a computer have it?


Shiur Suggestions

Laws of the simcha guest
– eg. what happens if I rsvp and then end up not going, do I need to pay the baal Simcha back for my plate?
– can I leave before bentsching w/o a zimun?
– can guests make a private zimun?
Can also be expended to general laws and customs of making a simcha

Laws of Kohanim
How do we need to mechabed them
Can they practically live in a town like Clifton with a lot of cemeteries?

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Jonathan Ziring

As for the riddles 1) I think the simple pshat in why Yehoshua could refer to Moshe as such is because he did not. The title Rav means master, as done Adon. Thus, Adoni Moshe is similar to Rabbi Moshe. 2) If one assumes the the blowing of the Chatzotzrot is similar to that in the Mikdash, then it should only apply b’zman habayit. This is indeed the position of the Aruch Hashulchan in OC 576:3-4. Related, it may be that we need specific trumpets from the Mikdash. This is the argument of R. Moshe Feinstein building on the Ritva (see Iggerot Moshe OC 1 169) R. Elyashiv argues that it is conceptually part of the mitzvat Tekiya al hakorban. Other Achronim (summarized by the MB 576) assume that it is only when ארץ ישראל היא תחת רשותינו R. Herzog already argued in the context of the obligation of Biur Avoda Zara (in his article, published in several places about minority rights) that we do not consider ourselves in our own reshut as long as we are subject to international law.
Onto AI: I think several more sugyot must be addressed. 1) More carefully define the difference between psak and mareh makom, as found in the sugyot of poskaning drunk, bifnei rabi, Par Helem Davar, Zaken Mamre, etc. 2) The metaphysical status of psak. For this, see Amud HaYemini 6 and his treatement of the Ritva (see Shabbat 130 re: Mara D’Atra, his treatment of Chacham Echad on AZ 7, and his treatment of Eilu V’Eilu in Eruvin 13) This is most important as as R. Yisraeli understands it, the posek creates psak because their are multiples options in Shamayim. Who gets that power? Especially as for Ritva, as noted by R. Henkin, this is both lchumra and lkula. 3) Siyata D’Shamaya as a role in psak, as well as its connection to nevuah requires analysis, especially in light of the above. 4) The assumption that AI can’t read the human dimension must be analyzed in light of studies that people share MORE with AI therapists than human beings! 5) As by sensitive moral issues in war, you could have review by a human at the final moments. See An Army of None for this issue on the secular side.

Kol Tuv

Submitted by יהודה גולדסמית

בעניין השאלה מהפרשה שרואים שלכאורה מותר לקרוא לרבו בשם שלא כמו שאומר הש”ך שבפניו אסור אף לומר רבי מורי פלוני, אומר ה”תשובה מאהבה” ששאל את רבו בהיותו צעיר וענה לו שמשום שבימי משה כולם היו תלמידיו ואף כשאומר רבי מורי פלוני שכאילו יש לו רב אחר ויש בזה חוסר כבוד לרבו בימי משה אין זה חוסר כבוד משום שאף שנשמע שיש לו רב אחר רבו האחר תלמידו של משה הוא דמשה רבן של כל ישראל הוא ואינו פוגם בכבודו ומש”ה יהושע קראו “אדוני משה” ולא פגם בכבודו.
בעניין השאלה מדוע לא תוקעים בזמן הזה בא”י ענה ה”פרי מגדים” שאפשר שדין זה נוהג רק בזמן שא”י ברשות ישראל. ועוד אפשר שדין זה נוהג כשהגזרה הוא על רוב עמ”י אך בלא זה, אין דין לתקוע. (הרב מרדכי אליהו זצ”ל {שביום שלישי כ”ד סיון זה הייארצייט שלו} וחכם ישועה זצ”ל אכן נהגו לתקוע בחצוצרות בזמן שהיו גזירות על עמ”י)

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Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Hershel Shachter, Rabbi Zalman Graus, Rabbi Yoni Levin
Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim?
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Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Hershel Shachter, Rabbi Zalman Graus, Rabbi Yoni Levin
Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim?
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