01/30/25 - SHIUR 500

“Every shul has one” – dealing with the person who disturbs everyone

What would cause someone to regularly disturb in shul without regard to upsetting others?
How should those who disturb be dealt with?
Is it impatience or mental illness when someone always pushes the Chazan to go faster?
Is it okay to pace for all of davening? To evict guests from seats? To collect the Seforim during davening?
Should little children be brought to shul, knowing they may disturb?


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Rabbi Yona Reiss, Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Dr. Jacob Freedman
“Every shul has one” – dealing with the person who disturbs everyone
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Rabbi Yona Reiss, Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Dr. Jacob Freedman
“Every shul has one” – dealing with the person who disturbs everyone
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