449 Yona Reiss - Halacha Headlines

Rabbi Yona Reiss

09/27/24 - SHIUR 483 (24,564 Downloads)

Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov? | Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos | Combating domestic abuse in our community

תכלה שנה עם קללותיה
Combating domestic abuse in our community

Showering us with Brocha
Three day Yom Tov – Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov?

לא תעמוד על דם רעך
Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos

12/16/22 - SHIUR 399 (22,298 Downloads)

Chasunah Halachos & Minhagim in all Kehilos | Eight Chanukah Riddles – Win a Chanukah gift !!!!!!

Marching down flower girls to the Chuppah – Is that a Jewish thing or is it חוקות הגוים?
Standing up for the Chosson and Kallah when they walk down, is that a Jewish custom?
Are you supposed to stand up during the recital of the Sheva Brochos?
Walking down to the Chuppah – Should the parents walk down their child – or both fathers should walk down the Chosson, and both mothers the Kallah? What if they are divorced or one of the parents was Niftar?
Are the Chosson and Kallah permitted to hold hands after the Chuppah?
Should the Kallah come into the men’s side during the dancing?
Does the Kallah have to wear a Sheitel by the Chasunah?
The minhag by various Chasidim for the woman to shave her head
Mitzvah Tantz – What’s the Mitzvah? Or is it actually an Aveira?
If there’s any conflict in Minhagim, whose Minhag is done the Chosson’s or the Kallah’s?

12/02/22 - SHIUR 397 (22,126 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Abuse and Abuse Coverups in Our Communities

Should a Rabbi meet in his office with a woman?
What’s enough proof to start warning other women? Do recordings suffice?
When do we go to the police?
When do we keep abuse quiet and when do we publicize the dangers?
What’s going on in the head of an abuser? Is he not worried about getting caught?
Why would followers of a Rabbi coverup his abuses?

02/27/21 - SHIUR 312 (19,348 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Can we buy and sell the schar of Mitzvos? A portion in Olam Haba? Does Michael Steinhardt owe Dovid Lichtenstein $100k?

Can Mitzvos be bought and sold? Can you pay someone to take your aveiros? Is Dovid Lichtenstein’s purchase of Michael Steinhardt’s mitzvah/olam haba valid? Can either party rescind the deal in Beis Din?

09/21/19 - SHIUR 238 (20,334 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Financial challenges of the workplace, and how to stay out of the “headlines”

Does the employer or employee get to keep the frequent flyer miles, is bathroom time on the clock, how sick do you need to be to take a “sick day,” taking personal calls on company time, using the company printer, and much more…

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