Frum on the outside and empty on the inside - why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite? - Halacha Headlines
02/29/24 - SHIUR 458

Frum on the outside and empty on the inside – why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite?

What are the biggest challenges, struggles and difficulties confronting our girls today?
How have things changed over the years?
Should money be given to children if they will use it for the wrong purposes?
What’s the impact that technology/smartphones/social media is having on the girls?
What solutions do we have to inspire girls today?


On Feb 17, 2023 you had a show about shmeiras eynayim including an interview with the founders of GYE.
I want you to know that after listening to the show and realizing that I was far from alone with this issue I signed onto GYE the next day.
Two days ago I had the inconceivable celebration of making it to one year clean of the schmutz after 40+ year of being stuck.
I don’t believe I even had a month clean other than the first year or two of marriage.
The ability on GYE of finding the support that I needed and the ability to finally open up about my struggles was beyond priceless.
The stories that people tell about their struggles are heart breaking and this needs to be publicized even more.

Rachel Schwartzberg

Yashar koach to Esti Hamilton for bringing up the important issue of the lack of leadership in the frum community for women.
Thank you, Halacha Headlines, for exploring this topic.
The frum magazines and shiurim like to constantly underscore that women should get guidance from a mentor or get eitza from a Rebbetzin, as though there are thousands of frum women sitting around all day ready to take your call and get to know you and talk through your issues on the phone or in person for hours.
That doesn’t exist!
Esti Hamilton is right: Most women are not going to ask a Rav.
It’s a huge dissonance in the frum world that girls and women are told to ask shailas, to seek guidance…but there simply isn’t anyone out there to speak to.

Shiur 365 Riddle


לפי פשוטו בדרך הכלל אות יו״ד היא אות המגדיר תיבה כחסר
יש מוסיפים שיו״ד מורה לשון רבים ולפי שפירשו מן הציבור נחסר אות יו״ד לרמז שהיו כיחידים

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Rabbi Dovid Ostroff, Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz, Rebbetzin Esti Hamilton, Rabbi Daniel Mechanic
Frum on the outside and empty on the inside – why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite?
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Rabbi Dovid Ostroff, Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz, Rebbetzin Esti Hamilton, Rabbi Daniel Mechanic
Frum on the outside and empty on the inside – why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite?
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