Real Estate Syndications: Quick easy buck or risky pot luck - Halacha Headlines
08/16/24 - SHIUR 479

Real Estate Syndications: Quick easy buck or risky pot luck

Lacetop Sheitels – Response to callers

Is a syndicator who is overly daring or reckless with their clients’ money required to use their own funds to compensate for the losses?
What questions should an investor be asking?


I tried, but couldn’t finish listening to your latest podcast on “yungerleit” falling for financial scams. I stopped because it bothered me so.

As far back as ” שַׁלַּח לַחְמְךָ, עַל-פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם: כִּי-בְרֹב הַיָּמִים, תִּמְצָאֶנּוּ.”, and the first six pesukim of Koheles 11 already introduced it, but our children don’t understand, they just don’t.

Rhetorically: How do they “learn” so much, but know so little.

It caused me pain to realize how little our boys (yes, not men) know about risk management. Our schools don’t teach it, the rabbeim don’t mention it.


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Shiur 365 Riddle


Riddle #1
It’s a one shot mitzvah (פרו ורבו), so similar to the Sevara that עד שתאכלינו באיסור תאוכלינו בהיתר why not wait to accomplish this mitzvah when you aren’t losing learning in the best years (mishna in pirkei avid that says learning is best in the youth as doesn’t get erased). Having kids when younger doesn’t make it a better mitzvah which is different than Torah. Similar idea by Avraham waiting to get a Bris until he was commanded because it’s a greater mitzvah by מצווה ועושה and it’s a one shot mitzvah (brisker rav)

So losing better years of learning and not getting any better mitzvah by having kids younger.

Riddle #2
Not sure of metzius, of the Feinstein high schools.

A) may not have been an actual high school but a way to pass the regents which is Dina dmalchusa. So just teaching kids minimum to be yotzei.

B) if actual high school, maybe he felt like Gemara in Shabbos on 3b that better to do a small aveira and save friends from a larger aveira, if he didn’t offer a high school people would have gone to a much worse yeshiva and the net results would have been worse.

Submitted by Joe Collins

The answer for the first riddle is that there’s a difference between stopping to learn temporarily and giving up on your learning entirely. When you drive the person to the hospital afterwards, you can start learning again, once you get married you’re never going have the freedom of a single person again to learn. (At least not till you’re an old man)

If I’m not mistaken, this is written in the Alter Rebbe’s hilchos Talmud Torah but I don’t have it in front of me and I’m not sure

In connection to your dvar torah, there’s an recording of Reb Shlomo Carlbache where he elaborates on this in a beautiful way

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Rabbi Chaim Yosef Perlman, Rabbi Zalman Graus, Mr. Yitzy Friedman, Investor
Real Estate Syndications: Quick easy buck or risky pot luck
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Rabbi Chaim Yosef Perlman, Rabbi Zalman Graus, Mr. Yitzy Friedman, Investor
Real Estate Syndications: Quick easy buck or risky pot luck
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