Beis Din Archives - Halacha Headlines

Beis Din

11/04/22 - SHIUR 393 (29,370 Downloads)

Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce?

Is same sex attraction real? Hear about it in real life  with “Sara” – A wife of someone who has SSA

Can the mother have custody of the boys when the father has a Mitzvah to teach his children Torah?
Are you allowed to say Loshon Horah when asked Shidduch information about your ex- spouse?
Are you allowed to say the divorce wasn’t messy?
Can you hide your assets to give less alimony?
If a spouse is violating the divorce agreement and Beis Din can’t enforce it, are you allowed to go to secular court?
If one of the spouses goes off the Derech how should it be dealt with?
How are the ex-spouses supposed to communicate with each other?
If one of the spouses remarries, how do they walk down to the Chuppah?

07/15/22 - SHIUR 379 (15,318 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Wolfe

Beis Din in contemporary society

What type of cases come before Beis Din These days?
How does Beis din differ from an abitration panel?
What can you do to avoid Dinei Torah?
How are matrimonial cases (including Sholom Bayis) dealt with in Beis Din?
The role of lawyers and Toyanim in Beis Din

01/07/22 - SHIUR 353 (52,080 Downloads)

Don’t waste a tragedy; Chaim Walder exposé and death

Is it true? Testimony from an independent 3rd party
Was Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu correct to expose CW or was his process flawed? Some of the halchik problems; Listening to testimony without the accused present, CW desire to go to another bes din, listening to עד מפי עד
Is there a problem of lashon hara or malbin pnai chavairo? Can the books be used?
Are rabbonim listening to the victims? Is the sympathy with the victims or the perpetrators?
Is Israeli society getting the message? Should a suicide get a mass funeral and nichum availim from the chief rabbi?

05/08/21 - SHIUR 321 (20,306 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Are there Halachic ways to eliminate debt?

Are there heterim to not repay debt?
What if it’s owed to a credit card company, bank or government, as opposed to a Jewish lender or gmach?
What must be disclosed when taking out a loan?
Is it better to learn in Kollel and incur debt, or to get a job?
Can a creditor force the debtor to sell his home and other assets?
Does halacha ever
cap the amount of debt we can incur? 

02/27/21 - SHIUR 312 (19,348 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Can we buy and sell the schar of Mitzvos? A portion in Olam Haba? Does Michael Steinhardt owe Dovid Lichtenstein $100k?

Can Mitzvos be bought and sold? Can you pay someone to take your aveiros? Is Dovid Lichtenstein’s purchase of Michael Steinhardt’s mitzvah/olam haba valid? Can either party rescind the deal in Beis Din?

04/25/20 - SHIUR 269 (19,882 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Avrohom Kahan

Divorces and Parent Alienation: What’s the Halacha and Hashkafic Approach

How should a person deal with deal with parental alienation? What mistakes are being made? Divorce in the frum community, protecting the children, Bais Din vs. secular court

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