01/01/25 - SHIUR 496

The Halachos of Heter Meah Rabbanim – An Agunah for over a decade – Hear both sides of the story

Can you ever make a Heter Meah Rabbanim without leaving a Get in Beis Din?
Is a Beis Din ever allowed to withhold the Get from the woman?
In order to get the husband visitation
To get the husband financial compensation
To get the woman to drop criminal charges
To get the woman to drop lawsuits
How easy is it to get a court to deny visitation from the father?
And much more…


Thank you for the thorough coverage of the recent controversy.
I do think you make a good point about the basis of Reb Moshe’s position.
I’m just wondering if maybe you can have an additional show exploring options for a man in this predicament. A man that is fighting in court against top lawyers etc stands in a very terrible position.
We have to recognize this plight and explore reasonable options as b”d unfortunately is very unhelpful!

In the past, you’ve done a couple shows (I think) about the kashrus situation in hotels and cruises, etc.

In a conversation on Shabbos, we were wondering about the situation even in fully kosher hotels…

Seemingly they have room service and other occasions where dishes leave their dining rooms.

Apart from not being able to assume that every guest will be shomer kashrus, even those who are, wouldn’t be aware of which keilim are בשרי/חלבי or how the hotel keeps things separate…

While it’s probably true that the keilim wouldn’t be kli rishon, if the hashgacha relies on that, it points to the fact that many of these hotel, cruise, etc. situations are far from ideal.

Please comment or address in an upcoming show/shiur/episode.

Thanks, Kol Tuv, etc.

Hi, I took a quick look at the teshuva about hand transplant, I love the connection to murkav, I am just wondering if the idea that naturally the human body rejects foreign matter (including transplants) would be a reason to differentiate.

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Yonasan Altman

Why Yosef didn’t say Shema
I saw this over 20 years ago from Rav Chaim Z”L in Taama De’Kra- he says that Yaakov Avinu was saying Shema as thanks to HaShem for reuniting him with his son. It wasn’t the zman of Krias Shema. Please look inside.


א- בספר ברכת פרץ מת׳ ע״פ מה שמצינו בחידושי הר״ן שם אם כבר התחיל במצות כיבוד אביו ודאי ימשיך ולא יפסיק כי אז עוסק במצוה פטור, עוד תי׳ שבעצם לא היה מצוה עוברת שעדיין היה לו עד ג שעות ביום
לכאורה י״ל באופ״א שאף שהיו מקיימים המצוות קודם מתן תורה מ״מ א״א לומר אתה ואביך חייבים, הלא אין על אביו חיוב, ובפרט לפי הבנת ר׳ ראובן יסוד אתה ואביך הוא כמו תביעת ממון/שעבוד
ב- השאלה היא אפילו אם בני קטורה אינם חייבים בפריעה מ״מ גם בני יעקב לא היה להם פריעה עד ימות יהושע. בדוחק י״ל שרק בני קטורה היו חייבים ולא בני ישמעאל (שעדיין לא בא סנחריב) והלא שילחם אברהם קדם

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Mr. Shaul Cohen, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Mr. Elad Zamir, Rabbi Zalman Graus, Martin Friedlander
The Halachos of Heter Meah Rabbanim – An Agunah for over a decade – Hear both sides of the story
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Mr. Shaul Cohen, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, Mr. Elad Zamir, Rabbi Zalman Graus, Martin Friedlander
The Halachos of Heter Meah Rabbanim – An Agunah for over a decade – Hear both sides of the story
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