10/06/22 - SHIUR 390

The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited | The court’s decision regarding YU – What options do they have? | When a religous school hires a Transgender teacher what is their recourse? | Transgender in Halacha 

The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited – Is it Loshon Horah to discuss or a Mitzva?
The court’s decision regarding YU – What options do they have?
When a religous school hires a Trans teacher what is their recourse?
Transgender in Halacha

Shiur Details

The court's decision regarding YU - What options do they have? | When a religous school hires a Trans teacher what is their recourse?

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Nochum Shmaryohu Zajac

Dear HoRav Lichtenshtein,
I listened to your latest podcast, and I would like to make a few comments.
I was very much disappointed with regards to your discussion Vis a Vis Rabbi Don Yoel Levy.
First of all, you said a few times that it is a given that everything that Rabbi Shain was true, being that the OK admitted to this. I have no clue where the OK made any such admission. Their admission goes back to 6 months. Has anything happened earlier than that? Possibly, but there is nothing in the OK statement which validates the claims made by Yudel Shain, not in the timeline and not in the other claims which he made.
Second of all, with all due respect to Rabbi Shain, if you are going to believe every single one of his allegations, then the whole world is eating Treif. Gp check out his website, and you tell me if you believe everything he claims.
Third of all, you keep on talking about the OK, as if it is some family Hechsherel. All while you say, that the OU must be great because it is run by Rav Genak. Now I cannot say anything about how the OK is being run currently in the last two years. However when it was run by Rav Don Yoel Levy AH, everyone knew (and you can ask Rabbi Genak for that matter), that he ran a top notch hechsher which was very reliable. I cannot vouch for what happened in this case, but the way you are stam maching up Rav Levi AH, seems like you just don’t know who he is, more than anything else.
And I want to finish with my fourth point: There are legitimate Tannois which one can make at the current OK leadership in how they handled this. But Rabbi Shain did not just talk about the current claims, but he is claiming that this goes back years. And you bought the story hook line and sinker and are running with this story and all its details. Now it could be it is all true. However, neither you nor I know the full story, or the true facts. On the other hand you kept on talking not nicely about Rav Levy AH, when he is not alive and cannot defend himself. We all know, that it is not proper to speak about dead people, who cannot stand up for themselves.
In regards to Rabbi Broydes comments Vis A Vis the Magen David Yeshiva, I wonder why Rabbi Broyde did not make reference to this the follow ruling of Scotus
Thank you very much.
I want to point out one more thing:
Rav Levy AH had a name in the business. You can ask Rabbis Genak or Elefant and they will back it up a hundred percent. He had a name of having a certain type of sterling character, who would never hesitate, to stand up for Kosher. It is also makes no sense that he would ever say, that because it is lean times that we have no choice, but to continue with the Hechsher. I am sorry today, but Yudel Shains description of Rabbi Levy, is not the Rabbi Levy anyone knows. Yet you somehow bought it hook line and sinker, to the effect, that you said that is must be 100% true, and that the OK even admitted it. Again I have no clue as to what took place after Rabbi Levy passed away, but in regards to what happened beforehand, you would do a lot better, then to Stam bring on Yudel Shain to spew all his Maselach.


Y Kaltmann

Thank you for the wonderful dvar  Torah at the beginning of the podcast

With regards to the caller who talked about Lashon  Hara
Your response to him applied to talking about the issue in general and OK, however it did not address mentioning the name of someone who is already deceased which was I think was one on the callers main points.
With regards to the riddle you can say that it is forbidden to teach non-Jews Torah, however to write it down on a rock for them to read is possibly permitted.
And I have a question to you if the Torah was already translated into 70 languages on a rock why was it such a tragedy when the Torah was translated into Greek?
Have a happy sukkos

Elisha Klein

I just listened to episodes 389 and 390.

I was wondering if you have ever addressed the educational system in Israel concerning enabling kids to support themselves and their families when they grow up.
As a father of 5 and living in Israel, my kids are not getting the education I grew up with and use all the time. ( I went to Ner Yisroel). I am trying to figure out what to prioritize and how to supplement my kid’s education so that they can be their best selves.

Zev Landerer

Regarding your theory that someone who has transgender tendencies can be considered as a child born with two heads and not their personal decision, would you extend that to include someone who has same-gender attractions? What about someone who has kleptomania?

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Shiur 365 Riddle


Submitted by Y Kaltmann
1. I don’t recall where I read this and I also don’t recall if with this was with regards to the search for the chometz or the lighting of the menorah but I I heard/read with regards to one of those two that the fifth Chabad Rebbe with sit with a watch and do the mitzva the first second he was able to do in the zman
2. We have an explicit source that matza was eaten during the year also from the Ma Nishtana

3. By the Matza It’s only issue Is the time by the sukka the issue is the place and a time

4. It’s a known Chabad saying with regards to eating in the circle when it rains that they would rather be a chusid shoteh in the sukka than a smart chossid outside the sukka
5. The mitzva  for off sleeping in the sukka has to be GOING to sleep in the sukka because once you’re asleep you can’t do any mitzvahs
Submitted by Zev Landerer

A gut moed!

There is clearly a difference between someone who has fulfilled the mitzvah of going to sleep in the sukkah and someone who is sleeping and will miss the mitzva of Krias Shema entirely if not woken up and will be a מעוות לא יכול לתקון.
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Rabbi Michael Broyde, Rabbi Eli Ozarowski
The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited | The court’s decision regarding YU – What options do they have? | When a religous school hires a Transgender teacher what is their recourse? | Transgender in Halacha 
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Rabbi Michael Broyde, Rabbi Eli Ozarowski
The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited | The court’s decision regarding YU – What options do they have? | When a religous school hires a Transgender teacher what is their recourse? | Transgender in Halacha 
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