Yeshivos Archives - Halacha Headlines


04/05/24 - SHIUR 463 (23,296 Downloads)

Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi?

Does Eretz Yisroel need an army or can it totally rely on Torah protection?
Do we have responsibility to serve – besides the learning protection – like we find previous generations?
The Bochurim who aren’t learning should they go to the army?
Can we have Frum battalions run according to Torah?
What’s are we going to do when the Chareidim are a majority?

03/28/24 - SHIUR 462 (23,056 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What are our “Yeshiva bochers” struggling with nowadays?

What are the biggest challenges, struggles and difficulties confronting our boys today?
How do those challenges differ from those of the girls?
What impact are technology and alcohol consumption having on the boys?
Should Gemara be the focus of yeshiva learning?
What’s holding the boys back from performing at their best?

03/08/24 - SHIUR 459 (28,394 Downloads)

Balancing אמונה and Service: The Haredi Dilemma in Military Conscription and Torah Study Commitment | Scaling Tradition: Reevaluating the Chazon Ish’s Conscription Exemption in a Growing Community | Study Time Required for to be מקיים והגית בו יומם ולילה

Don’t we have an Achrayus הַאַחֵיכֶם יָבֹאוּ לַמִּלְחָמָה וְאַתֶּם תֵּשְׁבוּ פֹה?
What difficulties – if any – do Frum soldiers face in the army?
What would a Frum army look like?
When a majority of Eretz Yisroel is Frum what will become of the army?
Are you obligated to learn every spare second you have?
Does it depend on someone’s health, wealth or stamina?

08/18/23 - SHIUR 432 (26,600 Downloads)

Exclusivity or Community: The dilemma of school selection policies | The love of the Tosher Rebbe ZT”L

Is having discriminatory school acceptance policies Halachically allowed?
What damage are we doing to our children?
Do we have a communal obligation to accept all children into schools?
Is there a difference between a boys school and a girls school?
Can schools force people to accept upon themselves Chumros, in order that their kids should be accepted?
Can schools claim they hold themselves to certain standards, if they overlook these standards for affluent members of the community?
Is this the first time in history there was an elitist attitude?

02/02/23 - SHIUR 406 (18,232 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is Kovea Ittim only for the wealthy and brilliant?

What gets people to stick with their learning after many years?
What’s a valid reason to miss your Kevius?
Does someone who gets paid for learning or teaching additionally need to be Kovea Ittim?
Can the Kevius change over time, like when more children are born?
What if a wife needs her husband during his learning?
Do you need to lose business/clients as a result of your learning?
Should you answer calls from clients or your boss during learning?

01/12/23 - SHIUR 403 (17,578 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Does yeshiva prepare us for life-after-yeshiva? Should it?

What preparation is necessary to leave yeshiva/kollel and start working?
What skills do yeshiva graduates say would be helpful?
What should a yeshiva consider as its goals and responsibilities towards it’s talmidim?
How do you decide on an occupation?
Should you study a trade or go straight into business?
What are the primary challenges we need to be ready for nowadays?

12/22/22 - SHIUR 400 (18,338 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Drug and alcohol use in our high schools – how big a problem is it? What can be done?

Is there something halachically wrong with using drugs? Alcohol? Vaping?
Can you tell on a classmate who is using drugs or alcohol?
What are the trends of drug and alcohol use in our high schools?
How are teenagers able to afford and access drugs?
Are we better – or worse – than secular society?
What can be done by parents and the schools?

11/10/22 - SHIUR 394 (21,956 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Being in the box” – have we made the “box” into a coffin? Is “the derech” too narrow?

What’s the definition of being on the “derech” and “in-the-box”?
How have those definitions changed over time?
Is the “derech” too narrow and the “box” too confining?
Does being “out-of-the box” violate Halacha or just societal expectations and norms?
Are there halachic requirements to: wear white shirts and black pants, always wear a hat, go into certain occupations, not play sports and music?

10/06/22 - SHIUR 390 (29,016 Downloads)

The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited | The court’s decision regarding YU – What options do they have? | When a religous school hires a Transgender teacher what is their recourse? | Transgender in Halacha 

The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited – Is it Loshon Horah to discuss or a Mitzva?
The court’s decision regarding YU – What options do they have?
When a religous school hires a Trans teacher what is their recourse?
Transgender in Halacha

09/23/22 - SHIUR 389 (21,538 Downloads)

The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan | The New York State Board of Regents vote regarding Yeshivos

The Kashrus scandal in the Chinese Restaurant
Are our restaurants and Kosher establishments really Kosher?
What can we do to ensure that these incidents don’t happen again?

Yom Hadin comes early for our Yeshivos!!
The New York State Board of Regents vote
How are we supposed to look at it?
Hear both sides of the debate

08/25/22 - SHIUR 385 (17,780 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Back to School – Do we need to adhere to all school rules? If we don’t, can we sign the school handbook?

What is the purpose of having a school handbook?
Should the rules be realistic, or the ideal (but unrealistic) hopes of the school?
Can parents lie about not having internet, texting, smartphones, etc.?
What percentage of families violate school rules?
Why would a school have parents/students sign the handbook?

08/19/22 - SHIUR 384 (21,524 Downloads)

My child was not accepted into any school!!! School Acceptance Policies – Discrimination

Is having discriminatory school acceptance policies Halachically allowed?
What damage are we doing to our children?
Do we have a communal obligation to accept all children into schools?
Is there a difference between a boys school and a girls school?
Can schools force people to accept upon themselves Chumros, in order that their kids should be accepted?
Can schools claim they hold themselves to certain standards, if they overlook these standards for affluent members of the community?

07/01/22 - SHIUR 377 (27,980 Downloads)

The Court’s ruling: LGBTQIA clubs at Yeshiva University: What comes next?

When a Yeshiva is compelled by the government to take action that is K’Neged HaTorah, are they obligated to shut down in lieu of complying?
Does the Yeshiva have to split off from the University and re-open as a separate new and independent Yeshiva?
If the Yeshiva follows the government’s orders, is one permitted to continue teaching there?
Is the University institute permitted to remain open if it is forced to take action that is K’Neged HaTorah?
How should Orthodox Jewry as a whole react even if their own Yeshiva is not affected?
Is this reminiscent of the closing of Yeshivas Volozhin?

01/28/22 - SHIUR 356 (27,330 Downloads)

Who owns a yeshivah? Who owns a Shul?

Who owns the money of a Yeshivah?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah sell his Yeshivah in America and relocate the Yeshivah to Eretz Yisroel?
Does the administration have a right to pocket the money if the Yeshivah folds, or does the money have to be given to another Yeshivah ?
Does the donor get back his money or get to decide where the money goes?
Do the legal laws of nonprofits apply to Yeshivos – Dina d’Malchusa Dina?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah take a severance package? How much? Is 21 million dollars too much?
What happened by the dispute of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s libary

04/13/20 - SHIUR 268 (26,766 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Adults at Risk” – How common is it? How do we deal with the issues?

What brings on “at risk” behavior? Once leaving Yeshivah, what can get someone off-track? Are schools to blame? Parents? Does teaching Emunah help or is it risky? Is there anything we can do to prevent adults at risk? 

02/29/20 - SHIUR 261 (26,596 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should a student ever be expelled from school?

What are valid reasons to expel a student?  Doing drugs? Selling drugs? Tznius? Having a Smartphone?  Unfiltered Internet at home?  Torching the principal’s van? What happens when a student is expelled? How should it be handled by parents, teachers, the principal and others? What if your child is being negatively influenced by a classmate?

02/15/20 - SHIUR 259 (25,330 Downloads)

Yerushah and Nepotism in our Mosdos Hatorah in Halacha, Hashkafah, and History

Should sons and sons in law be the Yoresh of a Chassidus, a Yeshiva, a Rabbanus, or should the Yoresh be the most qualified to replace? When did it change in our Yeshivos? What to do in a family business? Severance pay to children, and much more…

01/19/19 - SHIUR 204 (15,418 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Being Frum in Academia: How to make it work

What are the dangers and challenges of academia today? How can we strengthen ourselves and our children to navigate them? Is academia diametrically opposed to a Torah life?
A discussion with expert and experienced rabbis and academics

02/04/17 - SHIUR 103 (4,556 Downloads)

Do we still love a child that has become an apikorus?, Secular studies in Mesivta – Chiyuv or Bitul Torah? | How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

Is there unconditional love for child that’s an apikorus? Keep in the house or not?

Should a child prodigy go to secular studies in high school?

How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

02/20/16 - SHIUR 57 (2,704 Downloads)

Shailos V’teshuvos with Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch

Shailos including: Ben Pakuah Shechitah, Inviting non religious for shabbos if they will drive, Someone in kollel; Chiyuv to do Kiruv?, Contradictions between science and Chazal, Advertising on Frum blogs that post Loshon Hora, Motion detectors on Shabbos, AquaAdvantage salmon that has non kosher dna, Vaccinations in Halacha, The BRCA gene

11/07/15 - SHIUR 42 (1,574 Downloads)

Discrimination and the situation in Israel today | Vaccination in Halacha | Alternative Lifestyles | Smoking in Halacha | Elana Silber of Sharsheret

Discrimination and the Situation in Israel today Vaccination in Halacha Alternative Lifestyles Smoking in Halacha Ilana Silver of Sharsheret: An Organization that helps Women with Breast Cancer

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