The Shabbos Elevator Controversy - Halacha Headlines
05/19/23 - SHIUR 420

The Shabbos Elevator Controversy

The most popular Shavuos night program in the world

What are the issues with the Shabbos elevator?
Is it a halachic shayla of a Hashkafic Shayla?
What switched now?

If a Rov makes a mistake in Psak does he have to pay?
What if he retracts his Psak due to Haskafic considerations?


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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Meir
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Rabbi Tzvi Ortner, Rabbi Yisrael Krengel, Rabbi Chaim Yosef Perlman
The Shabbos Elevator Controversy
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Rabbi Tzvi Ortner, Rabbi Yisrael Krengel, Rabbi Chaim Yosef Perlman
The Shabbos Elevator Controversy
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