מי אנכי שאזכה להתפלל – The Halachos and beauty of Tefillah – The decorum in Shul - Halacha Headlines
09/08/23 - SHIUR 435

מי אנכי שאזכה להתפלל – The Halachos and beauty of Tefillah – The decorum in Shul

If a person knows that he only if he Davens everything he won’t have Kavanah & he Davens less he’ll have can he skip anything? If yes which parts can he skip?
If a person can’t have Kavanah because he doesn’t understand the language should he Daven in English?
Should a person Daven at length at the expense of learning Torah?
If a person can compose his own Tefilah is that better than davening the standard (more personal & heartfelt when coming from the composer- more than he can relate to Chazal’s Tefillos).
Where’s the source(s) of not talking during davening? If the only minyan he has is one which they talk in is it better to Daven Byechidus?
Is it better to Daven with a Minyan without a hat and jacket or B’Yechidus with a hat and jacket?
Is there any reason to daven Pesukei D’zimra with a minyan or come to Shul for Borchu? Likewise Kabbalas Shabbos with a minyan or just come for Maariv?
Someone who’s not dressed properly for Davening but if he waits until he gets his clothing he won’t have a minyan should he daven with the minyan dressed as is or wait?
Someone is on the beach with only a bathing suit and it’s getting night and he didn’t Daven Mincha and by the time he gets clothes it’ll be too late to Daven?
If someone is traveling and doesn’t have a siddur and he doesn’t remember all the words of Shemone Esrei just most can he Daven with skipping some words? (Also Tefilas Haderech)
Someone is not feeling well and is sleeping should they be woken up to say Krias Shma and Daven before the Zman?
What takes precedence if you can’t do both Tefillah BTzibbur or Krias Hatorah?
A Shul doesn’t say Tachnun for no good reason do you have to say afterwards by yourself?
That was it says in Shulchan Aruch to give Tzedaka before Davening does this include Tzedaka to non-Jews?


Judah Hartman

Dear Dovid Lichtenstein,
I want to express my appreciation for your thought-provoking podcast discussions. Your recent episode on Jewish prayer raised some interesting points that I’d like to share.

A few years ago, during one of my visits to my rebbi (though I’ve been out of yeshiva for many years), I witnessed an incident during Mincha. When a student was reciting Kaddish, my rebbi interrupted him, and said to a boy who was talking during תפילה “I understand that you may not care about God, but at least show respect to your friend who is saying Kaddish. Talking in shul is more of a issue of בן אדם לחברו, as Rabbi Akiva how his students treat each other that caused the deaths, its may not be how our relationship with GD but its about how we respect others and to be aware of the people around us. Which includes those who daven out loud or shake heverly. We need to be less concerned with how we want others to perceive our selves and be more concerned how we affect others.

Your guest’s responses in your podcast episode reminded me of a conversation I once had with Rabbi Benj Levin, the grandson of Rabbi Aryeh Levin (whom you should consider inviting as a guest on your podcast, given his unique insights). He shared an observation with me, saying that sometimes we become so engrossed in Halacha that we tend to overlook the essence of the Mitzvah.

The real question that emerges is how we react when others don’t conform to what we may understand or practice. It leads us to ponder whether our understanding of avodat Hashem could be wrong, and whether others, with different approaches, might also be right in their own avodat Hashem. It should force us to consider how to navigate the path when someone has walked in different shoes or experienced life differently. These are questions that challenge us to be more aware.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, as we switched from תפילה בציבור to תפילה ביחד, many of us found a deeper connection through intimate home prayer. There were many conversations regarding how we felt more connected with הקדש ברוך הוא. One person discussed how, as a Rabbi, he, his little girl, and wife were davening together, and he was able to Daven and teach his young daughters תפילה. If it were not for the pandemic, both he and his daughters would have never had that experience.

My take is that תפילה בציבור is primarily about the ציבור. It’s about caring for our neighbors, asking about their well-being, and being a supportive community. It’s about recognizing that every individual’s journey in avodat Hashem is unique, shaped by their experiences, background, and understanding, and being part of a community.

Your last guest, I applauded for his honest effort to get people to stop talking. I think we need to be careful about promising what תפילה can do. We also should not be using תפילה as a tool to raise money with promises. To quote Rabbi Lord Sacks on ראה נה ריביינו, we ask Hashem to give us the strength to get through our challenges. If we believe that God knows everything, God is doing what’s in our best interest. Do we want to change God’s mind? We don’t always know what to ask for.

I recommend a podcast on תפילה, the Orthodox conundrum titled “when GD says no”! Unfortunate story of a mother who lost a son and her daughter-in-law gave birth to a grandson days after.

Also, you had a person on when you were discussing translating; your guest was discussing the actual meaning of the word ברוך. I am very far from understanding דיגוק, but over the past few years, I have come to appreciate דיגודק, which can give a different meaning and understanding of תורה and תפילה. To quote Rav Ahron Lichtenstein, how can we have a rabbi who doesn’t understand basic understanding of דיגודק.

Thank you once again for your inspiring podcast that encourages us to contemplate these important aspects of our faith.

Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Nochum Zimerman

Answer to the first riddle from Rabbi leizer silver of parshas nitzuvim vayelech 5783
One can be michalek that in the case of rashi in eiruvin since one is not mechuyiv in the mitzva of semicha only if he is be makriv a kurbon that has a chiyuv semicha, there for the action of semicha on a animal that does not have a chiyuv is a hefsek to the brachah. However by mitzvas esrog the chiyuv of mitzvos esrog is on the person even if he is not holding a kosher esrog. There for we can say that by taking the esrog that is not kosher it is not a hefsek since he is taking the esrog to be mikayem the chiyuv mitzva of esrog that the bracha is on. With this chiluk it is answered the kasha on tekias shofar as well.


א אולי היה אפ״ל דרש״י עירובין בשיטת רה״ג שכלם כשרים, בא״ר תרכ״ד נקט ב׳ מהלכים, א׳ לפי שחז״ל תיקנו לתקוע הכי הרי מקיים מצוה דרבנן עכ״פ, ב׳ התקיעה ודאי כתקנה ורק קלקל אח״כ בהתרועה, בתבואת שור י״ט כ״א חולק על טעם השני לפי שאם טעה בהתרועה גם התקיעה הראשונה נפסד, ויל״ע דמ״מ בשעתו היה מעשה מצוה כתיקונה וחשובה התחיל המצוה
ב כמה אחרונים העירו בזה להוכיח שיש ערבות לנשים או עכ״פ במצוות שלהם, וב״ה בשם מהר״ם גלאנטי, אולם לפי ההבנה שאין להם ערבות עדיין היה אפשר לפרש הפסוקים וכן מבואר באור החיים דמ״מ האנשים ערבים בעבורם דהיינו אתם נצבים אחראים על כל אלו המנוייים בפסוק ב, וכן מבואר במהרי״ט קידושין ד״ע: אולם הדגו״מ ס״ל גם אנשים אינם ערבים בעבור נשים, החת״ס נקט בהגהותיו לשו״ע בשם האגודה נשים מוציאות נשים שערבות של עצמן קיבלו עליהן
בספר הערות סוטה ל״ז נקט הגריש״א מהלך שהפסוק כולל כאן ב ענייני ערבות חדא ענין כל ישראל ערבים לומר שהוא ערב חבירו על חיוביו ועוד ענין שחייב בתוכחה אבל אינה ברור לי איך מפרש בזה הפסוקים

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Rabbi Moshe Dovid Lebovits, Rabbi Yosef Vigler, Reb Alter Rabinovich
מי אנכי שאזכה להתפלל – The Halachos and beauty of Tefillah – The decorum in Shul
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Rabbi Moshe Dovid Lebovits, Rabbi Yosef Vigler, Reb Alter Rabinovich
מי אנכי שאזכה להתפלל – The Halachos and beauty of Tefillah – The decorum in Shul
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