After the BAN - Revisiting AI - Halacha Headlines
07/07/23 - SHIUR 426

After the BAN – Revisiting AI

What would be the reason to Assur AI more than filtered internet?
Why’s AI a bigger danger than google search?
Can AI be filtered?
Is there any positive uses in AI for Yiddishkeit?
Will AI become a major necessity in most people’s lives/businesses like the internet?


Avrohom Colev Posen

R’ Dovid –

Thank you for addressing AI again on this week’s episode. It was an informative discussion and I enjoyed that you encouraged your guests to provide thoughtful and specific responses. I checked the Maare Mekomos for links to sample the various AI tools you sampled on the show, but was disappointed that they were not included (although I did not really expect them to be there). Since it was mentioned in passing, I am sharing the following link to the podcast episode from the NY Times mentioned by R’ Mordechai Torczyner regarding the scary side of AI –
As an attorney, I have a specific interest in this area (even though I specialize in commercial real estate transactions) and have been tracking recent developments and useful applications for legal practice (although there is the cautionary tale of the attorneys who submitted fake cases in a court filing).

Have a wonderful Shabbos!


Avi Burg

Firstly, yasher koach.

I recommend having someone who is an expert on AI. I work in the industry. I’m not saying I’m jumping to be a guest, I’m not a Rav or community leader. But the information shared in today’s show was factually inaccurate.

No AI solution is personalized today, based on private information. No AI today acts like a therapist. chatGPT will even reply that it is not a therapist or medical professional. No AI today is recommending political candidates.

Open AI has many AI models, not just two. DallE 2 cannot create photo realistic images, but there other AIs like MidJourney that can. But more seriously, if someone wants to access untsniuis pictures, they only need to open their eyes or buy a newspaper.

With regards to hallacha, nobody expects AI to be a Rav. Would you ask a bus driver for a psak. Why would anyone think about AI any differently?

To suggest that AI is trying to undermine anything related to our society is simply untrue. It sounds like some of your guests this week either had an agenda, were misinformed, or were concerned about social impact or imagined bogeymen external to hallacha.

A better example of understanding sourcing for AI would be to look at BingGPT or Google.

This is a lengthy and detailed topic. Hosting uninformed guests furthers misunderstanding and misinformation.

Michael Zelenetz

Long time listener, first time writer.
I am an engineer (and incoming professor) working in applied machine learning and AI. [As a side note, I have been experimenting with NLP techniques as a way to analyze Torah. David Bashevkin covered the topic really well with Moshe Koppel on the 1840 podcast–Dr. Koppel maybe a good future guest.]
I wanted to commend you, Mr. Lichtenstein, on your measured approach to covering AI and AI safety. I found it ironic that Rabbi Strickman, in all of his concerns about misinformation, was the largest vector of misinformation. It was surprising that Rabbi Strickman accepts Google search results as “objective links” but is suspicious of “AI.” Behind every search or recommendation engine are layers of machine learning models where humans like myself have made tradeoffs and decisions that impact what recommendation or result is served to the user. As you correctly pointed out there are number of machine learning/AI models under the hood behind Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. There was an excellent book geared to the lay public called “Weapons of Math Destruction” that makes the point there are human decisions behind all of these models, it’s not accurate to say the AI’s recommendation is objective because it is “just the objective outcome of a math equation.”
Ultimately, I believe that ML/AI has tremendous potential to improve the study of Torah, to increase productivity, and to free our time from menial tasks–thereby allowing humans to be more human.
Always happy to discuss this at greater length. Keep up the great work!

Tzvi Pittinsky

Listening now to first speaker from Project TRUST. Interesting conversation as always. To clarify, while ChatGPT 3.5 the free version only have information up to 2021. ChatGPT 4 has current information and Bing AI which is free and built on ChatGPT 4, my preferred AI tool since it gives sources and hallucinates less often, is also up to date. For example, below was my search right now using Bing about Halacha Headlines.
Tizku Lemitzvos!
Kol Tuv,

Sure, I can tell you about the last podcast from Halacha headlines. According to the Apple Podcasts website¹, the latest episode was released on June 30, 2023 and it was titled **”7/1/23 – Shiur 425 – HOT DEAL OR HOT AIR – Ponzi Schemes Proliferating – The Halachic, legal, and monetary ramifiactions”**. The description says:

> Is it Loshon Horah to say the name of the perperators? Is it Mesirah to report such people to the authorities? What is the proper way to deal with the families of the perpetrators? What’s the Halachic status of the returns that insvestors received from the swindlers? Is there a legal requirement to report fraudsters? How should someone invest?
> with Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst – Rov of the Agudah and Poseik in Chicago – 16:27
> with Rabbi Zalman Graus – Former Magid Shiur in Belzer Yeshivah, editor of Otzar HaPoskim, mechaber of several Halachic Seforim: Habori Vehashemoh; Kol Boi on Eiruvin; And now is in print Milim shel Halacha – A dictionary of Halachic Words – 22:44
> with Mr. Ben Brafman – Famed defense attorney – 45:43
> with Rabbi Ari Marbuger – Dayan in Lakewood – 56:22
> with Mr. Eli Fried – The investment Guy – 1:15:49

You can listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts¹, Halacha Headlines website², Podcast Addict³ or Podcast App⁴. I hope you enjoy it! 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/7/2023
(1) ‎Halacha Headlines on Apple Podcasts.
(2) Halacha Headlines | a podcast by Halacha Headlines.
(3) Halacha Headlines – Podcast Addict.
(4) Halacha Headlines podcast – Free on The Podcast App.
(5) Halacha Headlines Podcast by Jewish History with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz.

Joel Cottrell

This is a 1 second. Would you want your child asking this?As an AI language model, I can provide you with some general guidance. However, it’s important to note that adopting a gay lifestyle while adhering to Orthodox Judaism can be challenging due to the traditional beliefs and teachings of Orthodox Judaism regarding homosexuality. Orthodox Judaism generally views homosexual relationships as inconsistent with Jewish law.
That being said, it’s essential to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect for your own religious beliefs and values. Here are a few suggestions to consider:

1. Seek support and understanding: Reach out to LGBTQ+ support groups, both within the Orthodox Jewish community and in the wider LGBTQ+ community. Connecting with others who have faced similar challenges can provide valuable insights and guidance.

2. Educate yourself: Learn about different perspectives on homosexuality within Orthodox Judaism. Read books, articles, and listen to lectures by scholars who explore LGBTQ+ issues within a religious context. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the various viewpoints and interpretations.

3. Consult with a Rabbi: Seek guidance from a rabbi who is knowledgeable about LGBTQ+ issues and Orthodox Judaism. They can provide you with specific advice based on your individual circumstances and help you navigate the complexities of reconciling your religious beliefs with your sexual orientation.

4. Find a supportive community: Look for inclusive and accepting synagogues or communities that are more open to LGBTQ+ individuals. These communities may be more understanding and supportive of your desire to reconcile your religious beliefs with your sexual orientation.

5. Engage in self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your personal beliefs and values. Consider how you can integrate your sexual orientation with your religious identity in a way that feels authentic to you. This process may involve exploring various interpretations of Jewish texts and traditions.

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, and finding a balance between your sexual orientation and religious beliefs can be a deeply personal process. It’s crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being while seeking a path that aligns with your values and provides you with a sense of fulfillment.

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Shiur 365 Riddle


א- ידוע מהכלי חמדה שמייסד מכאן שמותר להכניס עצמו לתוך סכנה בעבור הצלת הרבים, אבל יש אחרונים החולקים עליו, וגם חידוש לומר כן לענין הצלה סגולי.
ולי היה נראה דהנה ברש״י פרשת מטות משה רבינו שלח את פנחס למלחמת מדין לפי שהמתחיל במצוה אומרים לו גמור, המבואר שהיה בהריגת כזבי דין מלחמה וא״כ אין מקום להקושיא שהרי כי עיקרה של מלחמה היא להכניס עצמו לסכנה.

ב- חדא יש להעיר שהר יוסף ענגיל מציין שם במסכת ר״ה מהר״ם ירגיז שגזירה דרבה היה כבר מימות משה רבינו, ולכן מרומז בתורה זכרון תרועה, ויש להוסיף לפי מה שנקט רבי עקיבא איגר שבטלו המצוה בגזירה זו, וגם לעתיד לבא יהיה רה״ר ועדיין שייך הגזירה, ויותר מזה אליבא דר״ל בירושלמי עירובין ח׳ ח׳ אין רשות הרבים רק לעתיד לבא.
עוד העיר בספר תורת חסד סימן י״ז הלא גם מתחילה מצינו ברמב״ן פ״ה דעירובין שלפי רבי יהודה דס״ל ב׳ מחיצות דאורייתא שאין לך רה״ר רק בסרטים ומדברות ומ״מ גזרו הך גזירה.

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Rabbi Yossi Strickman, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, Founders of GYE - Guard Your Eyes
After the BAN – Revisiting AI
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Rabbi Yossi Strickman, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, Founders of GYE - Guard Your Eyes
After the BAN – Revisiting AI
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