Women Singers – Is it preferable that women attend a performance by a male or female singer? - Halacha Headlines
07/13/23 - SHIUR 427

Women Singers – Is it preferable that women attend a performance by a male or female singer?

Is there a prohibition of Histaklus of a woman staring at a man performing? What about “Kol Ish” in hearing a man sing?
Is there a problem posting videos of women singing online? Does a “Kol Isha Warning” help?
Do female performances not reflect “yiddishe values”?
Where do we draw the line of Tznius in public?


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Shiur 365 Riddle


הרמב”ן כותב שסבר משה שיעשו נקמה כמו בעמלק ושבעה עממין ויהרגו את כולם וכשהחיו אותם כעס שלא הרגו את הנשים היודעות משכב זכר שהיה להם להורגם תחילה גם מנקמה וגם מדין תורה שהרי באה תקלה על ידן כמו בהמה נרבעת שנסקלת משום שבא תקלה על ידה.

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Rabbi Anthony Manning, Rebbetzin Esti Hamilton, Rabbi Zev Leff, Mrs. Bracha Jaffe
Women Singers – Is it preferable that women attend a performance by a male or female singer?
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Rabbi Anthony Manning, Rebbetzin Esti Hamilton, Rabbi Zev Leff, Mrs. Bracha Jaffe
Women Singers – Is it preferable that women attend a performance by a male or female singer?
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