Antisemitism at Harvard and elite universities – how could such smart people be so stupid? - Halacha Headlines

Where did all of the antisemitism on university campuses come from?
Should it be a concern to our community? Can anything be done?
If a student is feeling threatened, when can he take off his Kippah? Tuck Tzitzis in? Remove a Mezuzah from his front door?
What did Chazal mean when they said that it’s a “halacha” that Esav hates Yaakov?
Are there any halachic or hashkafic reasons to counter-protest?


Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Isaac Saban

The Gaon says that the second time it says קל its without a ו to tell us that if our learning goes “easy” and not with strenght then ידיים ידי עשיו

Submitted by אהרון גולדסמית

במדרש בהמשך כתוב שזה רמז לפילגש בגבעהו בפירוש יפה תואר מבואר שלכן נכתב חסר ו” שקל זה לשון קללה שמתי שהקול לא קול יעקב אזי הידיים ידי עשיו

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Mr. JJ Kimche, Rabbi Yonasan Sacks, Mr. Jacob Birman, Rabbi Yitzchok Alderstein, Mr. Jonathan Rosenblum, Mr. Yitzy Tanner, Rabbi Berel Wein
Antisemitism at Harvard and elite universities – how could such smart people be so stupid?
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Mr. JJ Kimche, Rabbi Yonasan Sacks, Mr. Jacob Birman, Rabbi Yitzchok Alderstein, Mr. Jonathan Rosenblum, Mr. Yitzy Tanner, Rabbi Berel Wein
Antisemitism at Harvard and elite universities – how could such smart people be so stupid?
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