Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos? | Halacha Perspective on Warfare - Halacha Headlines
11/17/23 - SHIUR 443

Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos? | Halacha Perspective on Warfare

Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos?
Does the conflict in Gaza qualify as a מלחמת מצוה according to הלכה? In this case, is there a duty for individuals to join from distant locations? Are students from ישיבות required to participate?
Concerning unintended harm in warfare, such as civilian casualties: if a terrorist uses a taxi as a getaway vehicle, is it permissible to target the vehicle, risking the driver’s life? What is the stance on targeting buildings?
Is there a חיוב to bury terrorists according to Jewish law?
Laws of war according to the Geneva convention


Asher Stenge

I first want to thank you for the show. I do think you do a good job in general of getting all the perspectives, but I really think in the area of Zionism, you are very clearly biased towards, and this is not a toeles for the Torah world. The guests that you have on for the Anti Zionist side are not the right ones. Just because someone is Satmar does not mean he knows all his Rebbe’s opinions properly. There are plenty of people to have on who can do a great job articulating that side. I am assuming you have heard of Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. He is an expert in this topic, and even if you disagree, have him on to discuss.
As well, I am no fan of Neturei Karta, but your depiction of them is abhorrent. You would never ask a question of whether or not a secular Jew can be saved on Shabbos, yet you do it for frum Jews because they have a difference of opinion politically? You are very quick to label them moserim and insane; where is your love for a fellow Jew that you so easily apply to non-frum? You have not provided one piece of evidence that what they do is damaging to Klall Yisrael, not Israel but Klall Yisrael, yet you have no problem slandering them.
Last thing, in terms of milchemes mitzvah. The Rambam writes explicitly that there is no milchemes mitzvah without the Beis Hamikdash (I believe it is at the end of the Shoroshim right before the minyan Hamitzvos). the whole discussion of whether it has to be a melech or a different manhig is applying to Klall Yisrlae, not to Israel. How exactly are the leaders of Israel leaders of the Jewish people?
There is more to say, but maybe for another time.
Kol Tuv and thank you

Alex Katz

Regarding collateral damage, ie the killing of civilians who would be spared once the war was won (at the least nashim v’taf). Obviously in ancient times the lack of high explosive made the question more limited, but an application of would be siege warfare – the deprivation of food and water to the enemy – which kills civilians along with enemy soldiers. The Sifri on Parshas Shoftim seems to contradict itself on whether it’s permissible – see meforshim there. However even the position that it’s assur might be because of the inhumanity of starvation, rather than collateral damage. This would mean that it’s clear that collateral damage is allowed, as is accepted even today by the Laws of Armed Conflict (tz”I if there would be any proportionality requirement at all)

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Shiur 365 Riddle


א- י״ל במקום שאומר שם ה׳ ליכא דין לכבד אביו באותו דיבור
ב- י״ל לפי שטיבל עשיו את הבכורה היה שוה לו, ואפילו אם לא סגי במה שאומר לדידי שעה אצל אונאה מ״מ הכא אין זה השערה מיוחדת אצל לוקח זה ואלא לרוב העולם שיש להם השקפה של עשיו
לפי מה שמביא הרמב״ן בשם אביו של הרד״ק מחיר המכירה לא היה הנזיד עדשים ולבסוף היה במתנה

Submitted by יהודה גולדסמית

הרמבם כותב שאם זה שם רגיל אפשר להגיד שלא בפניו..
שאלה שניה-י”ל שקודם מתן תורה היה. ועוד רואים שעם עשיו צריך להתנהג בעורמה כמו עם הברכות

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Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rabbi Shlomo Brody, Professor Eugene Kontorovitch
Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos? | Halacha Perspective on Warfare
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Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rabbi Shlomo Brody, Professor Eugene Kontorovitch
Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos? | Halacha Perspective on Warfare
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