Drug and alcohol use in our high schools – how big a problem is it? What can be done? - Halacha Headlines

Is there something halachically wrong with using drugs? Alcohol? Vaping?
Can you tell on a classmate who is using drugs or alcohol?
What are the trends of drug and alcohol use in our high schools?
How are teenagers able to afford and access drugs?
Are we better – or worse – than secular society?
What can be done by parents and the schools?


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Dr. Rivka Schwartz, Dovid Pseudonym, Mrs. Lianne Forman, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Daniel Feldman, Sara Pseudonym, Dr. Debbie Akerman
Drug and alcohol use in our high schools – how big a problem is it? What can be done?
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Dr. Rivka Schwartz, Dovid Pseudonym, Mrs. Lianne Forman, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Daniel Feldman, Sara Pseudonym, Dr. Debbie Akerman
Drug and alcohol use in our high schools – how big a problem is it? What can be done?
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