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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by david kolodny

Chanukah is not 9 days for several reasons:

1) It is a mitzvah d’rabbanan (a rabbinic commandment) and not a biblical one, as noted in Kol Bo.

2) One of the primary causes for the Maccabean uprising was the restriction on performing bris milah. Since bris milah occurs on the 8th day, Chazal (the Sages) established the holiday to last for 8 days in alignment with this practice, as explained in Ba’al

3) During the war, the Jewish people were unable to observe the festival of Sukkot, so Chazal instituted a new holiday of Chanukah, which mirrored Sukkot in its duration of 8 days, as mentioned in Sefer Maccabeem 1.

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Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, Rabbi Yisroel and Mrs. Elisheva Kamenetsky, Dr. Debbie Akerman
How to not lose our children – and ourselves – to peer pressure
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Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, Rabbi Yisroel and Mrs. Elisheva Kamenetsky, Dr. Debbie Akerman
How to not lose our children – and ourselves – to peer pressure
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