Miscarriage in Halacha - Halacha Headlines
04/28/23 - SHIUR 417

Miscarriage in Halacha

Someone who had a miscarriage and is very vulnerable can her husband hold her in extreme situations or is it יהרוג ואל יעבור ?
Is there a חיוב קבורה on the fetus and at what stage?
Can you test the fetus to check for illnes?
Is the fetus named – and at what stage?
Do you say Kaddish for a fetus?
Do you sit Shiva?
After what type of miscarriage is there no Pidyon Haben?
Does the lady have a Din of a Choleh regarding fasting on Yom Kippur?
Regarding being Mechalel Shabbos?


Sara Z

Thanks so much for your shiur on miscarriage and stillbirth. I had both and I really appreciated it. Kol hakavod for talking about this subject. I wish I had listend to this before my losses. May no one know of such pain , but if chas visvalom someone does go through this in the future hopefully they’ll have knowledge about it and feel less shame and isolation. I also appreciate that it was mentioned about holding the baby when you have a stillbirth it was something that really helped me and I know many people who didn’t hold the baby because they didn’t realize it was halachucally allowed (or the hospital rav told them they can’t because he wasn’t well versed in the area.) and they regret it until today.

Topic Suggestion

Hi my name is Yechiel Hirth. First of all, I want to thank you for your wonderful, insightful & thought provoking shiurim. You make my ride to & from Woodmere to Boro Park much more enjoyable. I’m not sure if this topic was ever discussed before. The topic is names in halacha, hashkafa & kabalah. Many people have all different questions when naming a baby. Add a name or don’t, is the Yiddish name of somone considered the same as the Hebrew name of the person they want to name after if it has the same meaning, changing a name etc. Thanks again!

Topic Suggestion

Can we have a shiur on accepla music is it Asur?
All the background about not listening to music during Sefira ?
Maybe anything that makes you happy should be not allowed?

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by יהודה גולדסמית

בעניין השאלה מדוע לא מזכירים ביוה”כ את עניין קבלת לוחות שניים ,נראה לענ”ד שיש לומר שבעצם אזכרתינו קבלת לוחות שניים אנו מזכירים את חטא העגל המגונה. בדומה לדין שהכה”ג נכנס בבגדי לבן שלא להזכיר מעשה העגל

לעניין השאלה במה שונים דיני חזרת הש”ץ ומגילה שצריך לעמוד לבין ספירת העומר שהש”ץ יכול לספור עבורם וקריאת התורה ואינם צריכים לעמוד. הביאור הלכה מסביר זאת משום “טירחא דציבורא” וקריאת התורה אינה מצווה על היחיד אלא על הציבור כמו שאומר הרמב”ם הלכות תפילה פרק י”ב ” שיהיו קוראים בתורה ברבים…” וע”כ אינם צריכים לעמוד

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Mrs. Dvora Entin, Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov
Miscarriage in Halacha
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Mrs. Dvora Entin, Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov
Miscarriage in Halacha
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