Organ Donation in Halacha Is it an obligation, a prohibition, or a choice? - Halacha Headlines
04/20/23 - SHIUR 416

Organ Donation in Halacha Is it an obligation, a prohibition, or a choice?

Donating organs from a live donor
From a dead donor posthumously
What are the types of organ retrieval after death?
Is there a nafka Mina between them in Halacha?
If a frum Jew decides to donate organs after death, is there anything different they should requests than the general public?
Are you allowed to sign the back of your license to become a donor?
If someone donates an organ against Halacha are you allowed to be a recipient of that organ?


Gavriel / Geoffrey Kuritzky

R’ Dovid,

I was glad that you brought up lifnei iver (and the comparison to someone not holding from the eruv get benefit) in the first conversation. However, I think there is an additional tzad lehakel.

It’s hard to discuss lifnei iver when the so-called iver holds that it’s mutar, even a mitzva, and that there’s no lifnei iver involved. Additionally, as far as registering as an organ donor for drivers license, etc. – even if one thinks that the surgeons doing the harvest/transplant are going to be involved in retzicha – wouldn’t the donor be off the hook halachically due to אין שליח לדבר עבירה?

I could also mention a curious idea, as far as staying away from retzicha situations (and the frum donor giving authorization) – interestingly enough the ג׳ חמורות are yeihareig veäl yaävor. So yeihareig, that’s what’s wanted, anyway…

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Samuel Obstfeld

Gut Voch! Is a person required to donate a kidney to save someone else’s life? If not, maybe he wouldn’t be required after he dies either for techiyas hameisim

Submitted by Gavriel / Geoffrey Kuritzky

I just called, giving my response/answer to this week’s riddle, regarding use of the corpse not being considered gzeila.

It’s true that it wouldn’t be gzeila, but we only have the r’shus/z’chuyos that HKBH gives us as far as what we can do with his creations. Relatives (and the community) don’t own the corpse, and yet there are chiyuvim such as burying, not desecrating, etc. Similarly, a meis mitzva – the body isn’t the finder’s metzia, isn’t the finder’s possession, and yet there is a chiyuv placed upon him to bury HKBH’s creation.

However, the non-gzeila possibility, the non-bylus over our bodies might still sometimes be beneficial in some circumstances.

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Rabbi Yonason Binyamin Weiss, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Weiner
Organ Donation in Halacha Is it an obligation, a prohibition, or a choice?
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Rabbi Yonason Binyamin Weiss, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Weiner
Organ Donation in Halacha Is it an obligation, a prohibition, or a choice?
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