05/10/24 - SHIUR 466

Neurolinks and Shabbos, Alexa and Shabbos, Electronics and Shabbos

Using a whoop strap or a Fitbit
What is the issur of electricity?
Is there an Issur of increasing current to exisitng electricity?
What’s called a מעשה regarding מלאכת שבת?
Binyan in Keilim

Shiur Details

Electronics activated through brainwaves is it permissible to use them on Shabbos?
Electronics activated through voice is it permissible to use them on Shabbos?

Using a whoop strap or a Fitbit
What is the issur of electricity?
Is there an Issur of increasing current to exisitng electricity?
What’s called a מעשה regarding מלאכת שבת?
Binyan in Keilim

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Rabbi Aharon Sorscher, Rabbi Tzvi Ortner
Neurolinks and Shabbos, Alexa and Shabbos, Electronics and Shabbos
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Rabbi Aharon Sorscher, Rabbi Tzvi Ortner
Neurolinks and Shabbos, Alexa and Shabbos, Electronics and Shabbos
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