Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means? - Halacha Headlines
05/16/24 - SHIUR 467

Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means?

What keeps us spending when we can’t afford it?
What’s the impact on children when parents have an expensive standard of living?
Is there an obligation to refrain from looking at materialism which may tempt us?
Can we spend on luxuries when people need tzedakah?
What are the minimums required to celebrate a bar/bas mitzvah and a wedding?
Can having a low-budget bar/bas mitzvah or wedding hurt our children longer-term?


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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Yosef Gindoff

For Misa and veahvta leraicha kamocha:
1. Maybe he’ll have hirhur teshuva
1b. Someone can do an aveira and still be “imach”, especially if they had charatah.
2. Immediately after death or while dying the person gets a Kaparah so doing misah in a bekovodik way is for the end of of the misah.

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Rabbi Moshe Walter, Mr. Naftoli Horowitz, Dr. Shlomie Zimmerman
Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means?
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Rabbi Moshe Walter, Mr. Naftoli Horowitz, Dr. Shlomie Zimmerman
Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means?
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