Rabbi Aharon Sorscher

09/27/24 - SHIUR 485 (25,364 Downloads)

Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov? | Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos | Combating domestic abuse in our community

תכלה שנה עם קללותיה
Combating domestic abuse in our community

Showering us with Brocha
Three day Yom Tov – Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov?

לא תעמוד על דם רעך
Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos

08/01/24 - SHIUR 477 (23,494 Downloads)

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life) | Lacetop Sheitels | Voting in Halacha

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life)
Should you teach or them, or should you shield them from exposure?

Lacetop Sheitels in Halacha – Erase the Lace or Embrace the Lace?
Is it a new question or an age old Machlokes?

Voting In Halacha
Can you vote for a candidate that’s personally immoral?
Can you vote for a party that supports immoral values?
Can you vote for a party that’s anti Eretz Yisroel?

12/08/23 - SHIUR 446 (24,172 Downloads)

Daas Torah In Halacha and Hashkafa

Is there a Torah idea called Daas Torah?
Can it override doctors?
Does the “Daas Torah” have to know the facts?
Can it override Shulchan Aruch?
Even if it’s not in contradiction with Halacha, must we listen to it ?
Is there such a thing as saying blanket statements without proofs that must be listened to?
Are we supposed to be using our heads?
If someone questions “Daas Torah” should he be explained the position or be branded a Kofer?
Do we believe in infallibility of Gedolim?
Can there be two “Daas Torah’s”?
Are two different people allowed to have different views, or is it my way or the highway?
How should we treat someone who disagrees with us?

05/12/23 - SHIUR 419 (33,020 Downloads)

Baalei Aveirah in our midst – How to we deal with them?

Who’s a מומר?
Someone who flaunts his Aveiros publicly – is he a מומר?
Can a Baal Aveirah write an Ois in a Sefer Torah?
If the Sofer writes the outline is it kosher?
Can they get an Aliya?
Can they Daven for the Amud?
Are they Possul to be עדי קידושין?
Can they make ברכת הזימון?
Are we allowed to be Mechabed them or is it חנופה?
Should we be ostracizing them from our community?
Should we be Mekarev them?

12/16/22 - SHIUR 399 (22,314 Downloads)

Chasunah Halachos & Minhagim in all Kehilos | Eight Chanukah Riddles – Win a Chanukah gift !!!!!!

Marching down flower girls to the Chuppah – Is that a Jewish thing or is it חוקות הגוים?
Standing up for the Chosson and Kallah when they walk down, is that a Jewish custom?
Are you supposed to stand up during the recital of the Sheva Brochos?
Walking down to the Chuppah – Should the parents walk down their child – or both fathers should walk down the Chosson, and both mothers the Kallah? What if they are divorced or one of the parents was Niftar?
Are the Chosson and Kallah permitted to hold hands after the Chuppah?
Should the Kallah come into the men’s side during the dancing?
Does the Kallah have to wear a Sheitel by the Chasunah?
The minhag by various Chasidim for the woman to shave her head
Mitzvah Tantz – What’s the Mitzvah? Or is it actually an Aveira?
If there’s any conflict in Minhagim, whose Minhag is done the Chosson’s or the Kallah’s?

01/07/22 - SHIUR 353 (52,374 Downloads)

Don’t waste a tragedy; Chaim Walder exposé and death

Is it true? Testimony from an independent 3rd party
Was Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu correct to expose CW or was his process flawed? Some of the halchik problems; Listening to testimony without the accused present, CW desire to go to another bes din, listening to עד מפי עד
Is there a problem of lashon hara or malbin pnai chavairo? Can the books be used?
Are rabbonim listening to the victims? Is the sympathy with the victims or the perpetrators?
Is Israeli society getting the message? Should a suicide get a mass funeral and nichum availim from the chief rabbi?

03/28/20 - SHIUR 265 (21,798 Downloads)

Contemporary Corona Halacha questions

Paying playgroups and tuitions, deposits on hotels for Pesach and chasunos, mikvah and tevilas keilim, taanis bechorim, mattir kitniyos, selling chametz gamur and over phone, autopsies, Milah and metzizah b’peh, being moser on those not following govt guidelines

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