How do we judge if a segulah is valid or not?
Is the $1 given out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe meant as a segulah?
Are the red bendel (bracelet) and Schlissel Challah actual segulos or prohibited?
Is buying Kol Hanearim, Maftir Yona or Pesicha for Neilah effective?
Are there any valid segulos for parnassah, shidduchim, health, Shalom Bayis and great children?
How do fake segulos catch on?
From Rashi it seems that this was a hora’as sha’ah to dress Aharon in the bigdei kehunah and to then take them off.
Ramban says Aharon was taken immediately after performing the avodah to the mountain while still wearing the bigdei kohein gadol…
First, יישר כח on this unbelievable podcast. Thank you for all of the hard work in bringing it to us.
Second, this Shabbos our family had a very interesting discussion about the Titan submarine that went down to explore the Titanic.
I’m not sure if this was touched on in a previous episode, I have listened to many, but not all the way from the beginning, but the question from a Halacha perspective relates to whether it is permitted to engage in this type of activity?
What is the גדר of ונשמרתם מאד לנפשותיכם? If this crosses a line, what about other activities, can one climb mount Everest, what about extreme sports etc.? Also from a השקפה perspective, how does it work if somebody is doing an activity with some risks and is injured – was this supposed to happen? Or the risk allowed something to happen? A number of other discussion points came out, but I think this is the main idea.
Have a Gut Voch!