277 Simon Jacobson - Halacha Headlines

Rabbi Simon Jacobson

06/22/23 - SHIUR 424 (28,800 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Segulos – Do they really work? Are they mutar and advisable or ineffective and prohibited?

How do we judge if a segulah is valid or not?
Is the $1 given out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe meant as a segulah?
Are the red bendel (bracelet) and Schlissel Challah actual segulos or prohibited?
Is buying Kol Hanearim, Maftir Yona or Pesicha for Neilah effective?
Are there any valid segulos for parnassah, shidduchim, health, Shalom Bayis and great children?
How do fake segulos catch on? 

07/31/21 - SHIUR 332 (26,336 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should birthdays be celebrated? Is having a birthday cake and candles a problem of Chukos Hagoyim? Can they be blown out?

Is a birthday a day to celebrate? If so, how?
Are there more significant birthdays, like the 70th?
How should Jonathan Rosenblum celebrate his 70th this week?
Have the gedolim historically celebrated their own birthdays?
Is there a problem of Chukas Hagoyim to have a birthday cake? To have candles on it? To blow out the candles? To make a wish?

08/01/20 - SHIUR 283 (26,256 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Mashiach: What’s it all about?

What are we davening for? Will our personal problems go away? What are the signs of Mashiach’s arrival? Are we seeing them now? Who will be Mashiach? Could it be someone who already passed away? What does it mean to “believe” in Mashiach? What does it mean Ikvisa D’mishicha?


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