Taking One’s Life in Halacha - Halacha Headlines
11/25/22 - SHIUR 396

Taking One’s Life in Halacha

Is there any Heter ever for taking one’s own life?
Terminal illness? Extreme poverty? Mafia chasing him?
How do we view someone who commits suicide due to mental health issues?
How do we prevent this tragedy?


Zev Landerer

Regarding Shaul Hamelech’s suicide, it should be noted that he had been informed prophetically by the ‘masseh ov’ with Shmuel Hanavi that there would be a war with the Plishtim and he would not survive (מחר אתה עמי).
The quote from ‘Mevaser Levi” is difficult to accept, Shaul did indeed suffer from depression (‘ורוח סרה מעם שאול ובעתתו רוח רעה מאת ה’), but that was in connection with his pursuit of Dovid. It does not seem from the pesukim describing his death that this depression played any role in it.
A careful reading of the Chasam Sofer’s words will show that he refers to Shaul’s suicide in the context of “נתיירא מפני שיעללו בו עכו”ם כשאול”, and it does not refer back to the issue of depression that he mentions earlier.
Thanks for all of your great programs! (You know you are doing something right when you get voicemails like the one you showcased of that fellow who sounds like he is in a drunken rage and foaming at the mouth, calling you ‘a piece of garbage’ …עפ”ל!)

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Rabbi Mordechai Twersky, Rabbi Tzvi Gluck, Mrs. Aliza Bulow, Dr. Chaim Nissel, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Weiner
Taking One’s Life in Halacha
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Rabbi Mordechai Twersky, Rabbi Tzvi Gluck, Mrs. Aliza Bulow, Dr. Chaim Nissel, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Weiner
Taking One’s Life in Halacha
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