Life Before Divorce – How do we stop the upward trend of divorce in our communities? - Halacha Headlines
11/18/22 - SHIUR 395

Life Before Divorce – How do we stop the upward trend of divorce in our communities?

Does a wife have to take on her husband’s Chumros?
Should you be your spouse’s Mashgiach?
Is there a Mitzvah of כיבוד אב ואם when parents are meddling into the children’s lives?
If a Chosson or Kallah teacher taught incorrectly and it lead to divorce, are they obligated to pay for damages?
Why are there so many divorces these days?
Are they all frivolous or necessary?
Why are so many young people coming home so quickly? Are they immature, unwilling to put the work in?
When is it time for therapy and when is it time to give up on therapy?
Is therapy the problem or the solution?
What is the solution?
How can we stop this tidal wave?

Shiur Details

Does a wife have to take on her husband’s Chumros?
Should you be your spouse’s Mashgiach?
Is there a Mitzvah of כיבוד אב ואם when parents are meddling into the children’s lives?
If a Chosson or Kallah teacher taught incorrectly and it lead to divorce, are they obligated to pay for damages?
Why are there so many divorces these days?

Why are there so many divorces these days?
Are they all frivolous or necessary?
Why are so many young people coming home so quickly? Are they immature, unwilling to put the work in?
When is it time for therapy and when is it time to give up on therapy?
Is therapy the problem or the solution?
What is the solution?
How can we stop this tidal wave?

Shiur Reference Material


I wanted to express my deepest hakaras hatov. I just started listening to your podcast and I can’t get enough of it.
The topics are intriguing, the content is thought provoking, and it is evident how much you prepare for the “shiurim”.
Thank you so much!
Kol tuv,
Sariel Malitzly
Edison, NJ

Good evening,

Thank you for always putting out well prepared, well researched, and well developed Torah.
You mentioned in the last episode about standing for the Chosson and Kallah. While it is hard to argue about the copycat nature of many aspects of today’s Chuppah, the idea of standing for the Chosson and Kallah is mentioned by Reb Yaakov Kamintezky in a footnote to סימן נא in the אמת ליעקב על שלחן ערוך.
WhatsApp Image 2022-11-21 at 9.22.15 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-11-21 at 9.22.13 PM.jpeg
Like you alluded in your remarks, I also find it funny that we stand while they are “going to do” the Mitzvah but then when they actually “do” the MItvzah we stand…
Anyways, I figured I would share the Rav Yaakov.
Thank you again so much for this wonderful program.
With much appreciation,

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Shiur 365 Riddle

It seems entirely feasible that Yitzchok went to get Hagar to marry Avrahom immediately after the Akadah because there was a issue between Avraham and Sara as a result of the akada, (or Avarhom foresaw that there was going to be an issue,) and therefore Sara was a meis mitzvah.
I would say with Hagar that she was not really divorced, just sent away, but I can’t say that because Rashi says Yitzchok went to get Hagar so Avrohom can marry her.
In general with regards to the Kohen Gadol issue, I am not so clear because a Kohen is not allowed to marry a convert and Kal Vichomer a Goy, and anyone Avraham married would be one of the two.
Good Shabbos!
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Rabbi Yisroel Knofler, Ms. Talli Rosenbaum, Dr. Avi Muschel, Mrs. Lisa Twerski
Life Before Divorce – How do we stop the upward trend of divorce in our communities?
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Rabbi Yisroel Knofler, Ms. Talli Rosenbaum, Dr. Avi Muschel, Mrs. Lisa Twerski
Life Before Divorce – How do we stop the upward trend of divorce in our communities?
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