The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos - Halacha Headlines
03/31/23 - SHIUR 414

The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos

Maos Chittim
Selling Chametz for someone who’s comatose
Siyum Bechorim on the telephone
Selling Chametz Gamur
E-Ciagrettes on Pesach
Gastric Bypass – If you can’t drink Kosos and eat Matzah what takes precedence
Lap-Band Surgery – Does the Shiur of a Kzayis switch
What can you Kasher?
Do cosmetics need a Hechsher?
How much do you have to clean?
Shiur of a Kzayis
Switching your Minhag of Gebrokts
What should you use for Maror
A Sephardi who married an Ashkenazi what do you do regarding kitnios
And much more….


Shaya Galpert

I wanted to write to you to say thank you for all your shiurim and your seforim.
I have owned your books for a long time and listen to most headlines shiurim as they come out. When I need to go on a long drive I look through the old podcasts to re-listen to one I may have forgotten.
Just over a year ago I joined a דרשׁו shiur starting חלק א. I was lucky enough to buy משׁנה אחרונה (א,ג and ו) when it was on sale in the UK. I used that whilst the shiur used the regular דרשׁו משׁנה בּרורה. It was a regular occurrence for someone in the shiur to ask something that you brought in your Hagoes. The maggid shiur used to borrow my משׁנה אחרונה before the shiur to check the Hagoes. Now that we have started חלק בּ we all realize how much we miss it.
Thank you again and wishing you a חג כּשׁר ושׂמח.
Shaya Galpert


When discussing vaping, your interlocutor said “Baruch Hashem there are kosher ones available.” I would have substituted ״rachmana litzlan” for the Baruch Hashem.
Regarding some of the chametz sales, the possibility of זכין מאדם, etc. doesn’t seem like a viable option – since it isn’t purely a זכות – making it so that there will be a גזילה/גניבה violation instead of a בל יראה violation.

Regarding Shop Rite and other stores that get food from C & S…
I work at one of the stores. There is quite a bit of ambiguity/uncertainty – it would take a lot of effort and I probably still wouldn’t be easily able to get a straight answer as to whether C&S owned specific items during Pesach. And for just avoiding a דרבנן, when the k’nas doesn’t even affect anything… I say it doesn’t affect anything, since whether a frum consumer does or doesn’t buy חמץ which was possibly עבר עליו הפסח – the products were already anyway bought from C & S by the stores…

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Samuel Obstfeld

1) Lichora every other עוסק במצוה has a right to choose which one he wants to do so if he chose he is יוצא whereas by אונן lichora he cannot choose, he must be busy with the מת, therefore he is not יוצא.

6) The זכר by afikomen is for קרבן פסח which is not even being done so you don’t make a beracha for that type of זכר, whereas the זכר by ספירה is to do the actual mitzva מטעם זכר therefore you make the beracha

Submitted by Nochum Zimerman

On the riddle of the diffrence betweek achikas matzah with oisek bemitzvah and krias shma by oinun.
Answer: Since one is accepting apon one self ohl malchus shumayim it can only be with a chiyuv.
(one can bring a proof from what is said over in the name of reb chayim brisker in parshas vayigash that explains the reson why yakov said krias shma when he saw yosef because till then he was oisek in the mitzvah of “unos al pi hadibor” to go to mitzrayim)

The riddle from reb elya baruch if you ate with out heseiba and then your rebbi came in
Answer: its tuloy why one who eats without heseiba has to eat over, is it because he was not yoitza matza or he just was not yoitza haseiba (wich the griz explains in his sefer in hilchos peasach)

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Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Hershel Shachter, Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst
The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos
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Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Hershel Shachter, Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst
The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos
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