How not to go to jail - Halacha Headlines
03/24/23 - SHIUR 413

How not to go to jail

Learn how to keep away from legal trouble
How to make the right choices
What are commom mistakes people make?
What’s the best way to avoid them?
What to do if you already made them, what steps should you take?
What effect does incarceration have on the families?


Hi, I listened to your recent podcast on how to avoid prison. As an employee at Met Council during the Willie Rapfogel situation, I was disturbed by the interview. It is not necessary for me to comment on what actually happened in terms of the crime, prosecution, etc. But one element that was not touched on is the many lives that were ruined because of the scandal. I watched dozens of innocent employees lose their jobs because government funding was frozen and the organization could not meet payroll. A social service organization was shredded by local and state government; clients didn’t receive the food or vouchers they desperately needed. Fraud does not just affect the individual and his family. The first step in doing teshuva is charata, and that was not at all evident in the interview. I think that the simple and critical message for anyone listening is: yashrus. This is why we have halacha, this is why we have rabbonim and poskim to help guide us be truthful and straight in business and in life. The fact that this was not stated loudly and clearly is a missed opportunity.

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Shiur 365 Riddle


א- לכאורה מקום הישוב הוא שבשחיטת קרבן פסח יש דין מיוחד של שחיטה בבעלים, ושחטו, עיין תוספות הרא״ש פ״ב שקידושין ועוד ראשונים, ואלא שצ״ע ברש״י קידושין ורש״י פסחים דף ז׳ המשוה שחיטת שאר קדשים עם שחיטת פסחים, ומ״מ מייסדים שחוץ מהדין בעלמא שסתם מוטל על הבעלים לדאוג על שחיטת קרבן בשחיטתפסחים יש עוד דין שחיטה בגוף הבעלים
ב- עיין ערכין י״ח ושם מבואר אפילו היתה ספינתו מושכרת ביד אחרים וודאי יתעשר

Submitted by Samuel Obstfeld

1) From the mishna itself you can answer that korban pesach is different being that you need the shochet to shecht with shelichus of the owner as we see from the gemara in kidushin and therefore it must be docheh shabbos for the Yisroel as well. However rashi there says because shechita kesheira b’zar, which seems not like this and not like the beis halevi and shar hamelech.

2) The magen avraham is proving from the other cases in the beraysa and Gemara in menachos which are talking even in cases where it will happen and you still say chaviva mitzva b’shaata.

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Rabbi Levi Landa, Mr. Willie Rapfogel, Ms. Rochel Van Etten
How not to go to jail
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Rabbi Levi Landa, Mr. Willie Rapfogel, Ms. Rochel Van Etten
How not to go to jail
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