Should Headlines have Shiurim on sensitive issues?
Is it better to educate the public, or is it exposing Bochurim and others to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to?
Is it a lack of Tznius to discuss certain topics in public?
Is there a way to balance Tznius VS public awareness?
Does discussing certain issues promote wrong ideas?
Is it Loshon Horah to publicize allegations against a specific person or is it הצלת נפשות?
Should magazines and newspapers be running ads on these sensitive issues?
Four things: 1) Big yasher koach on your engaging discussions. Dovid’s bringing a deep, lomdisher way of learning and discussing regular topics and spreading it to the masses is amazing, and I love hearing the way he discusses topics. 2) Dovid mentioned a vort on Mikeitz that due to Paroh’s lack of hakoras hatov, the skinny cows ate the fat cows, and then he said something along the lines of the good years were forgotten. Can you please clarify how he saw that in the text? I don’t recall which discussion it was, but it was within the last 6 weeks. I wish his vortluch were available in printable format. 3) Can you have a show about children of divorce and their journeys through life. I work for My Extended Family, a big brother/sister program for these children, and I always want to hear more insights how to address their pain with more daas Torah than I already have heard and my own life experience. We have thousands of kids in the community that are in these homes, yet the recent topics have been focused on sexual abuse cases, of which we have far fewer. 5) I would love to hear about what to do with the kids who were sexually abused and how we can address their shame? or what other feelings do they have? I know someone like this and I would love to hear more. Addressing discussing these topics in public vs private is not as important as what to do about the situations once they happen. We can bang on a table all day with the different stances on the issue of public forums, but it doesn’t change much of what I can do about it. It’s just philosophy. 4) Some of the people brought on the show, like an “intimacy” expert from a few weeks ago, sounded like open-orthodox, anti-frum liberals, and it hurt to hear their opinions when they slipped in a few small comments on Judaism, in general. I think a better effort could be made to filter out these experts or to give a disclaimer, as when the liberal female discussed the “rabbinic” opinion on abortion. |
Dear Reb Dovid,
באמת גיליון המהרש”א דוחה את הרמ”א בגלל שרש”י כותב שהנכד נעשה גואל הדם שמשמע שאינו חייב בכבודו. אך היד אברהם מביא את ר”ע איגר שמביא בשם הלוית חן שמה שחייב בכבוד אבי אביו זה רק בחיי אביו שמשום שחייב בכבוד אביו חייב גם בכבוד אבי אביו אך לאחר מות אביו אינו חייב כבר בכבוד אבי אביו וממילא נעשה לגואל הדם עליו. ואפשר לומר גם כמו הבית לחם יהודה שמה שחייב בכבוד אבי אביו זה לא מן הדין אלא ראוי ונכון (שהרי כתב הרמב”ם שמקלל אבי אביו כמקלל אחד משארי ישראל) אך גואל הדם דן גמור הוא ולכן הוא נעשה גואל דם למרות שבעיקרון הוא חייב בכבודו |
Rabbi Lichtenstein:
You are doing the right thing. Do not be discouraged. Keep beaming Torah to the world!