193 Efrem Goldberg - Halacha Headlines

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

07/28/23 - SHIUR 427 (33,124 Downloads)

Jewish Influencers: The Facts The Fears The Responsibilities

What responsibility does an influencer have to do due dilgience when endorsing a product or business deal?
If an influencer didn’t do due diligence and people suffered financial loss is the influencer responsible?
Not letting people know you’re getting paid for what you’re promoting is it גניבת דעת?
Are you allowed to push people to live beyond their means or become envious?
What responsibility does someone on social media have?
Are influencers a danger to the influence of Rabbonim?

12/30/22 - SHIUR 401 (23,822 Downloads)

To discuss or not to discuss – That is the Question

Should Headlines have Shiurim on sensitive issues?
Is it better to educate the public, or is it exposing Bochurim and others to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to?
Is it a lack of Tznius to discuss certain topics in public?
Is there a way to balance Tznius VS public awareness?
Does discussing certain issues promote wrong ideas?
Is it Loshon Horah to publicize allegations against a specific person or is it הצלת נפשות?
Should magazines and newspapers be running ads on these sensitive issues?

07/01/22 - SHIUR 377 (27,980 Downloads)

The Court’s ruling: LGBTQIA clubs at Yeshiva University: What comes next?

When a Yeshiva is compelled by the government to take action that is K’Neged HaTorah, are they obligated to shut down in lieu of complying?
Does the Yeshiva have to split off from the University and re-open as a separate new and independent Yeshiva?
If the Yeshiva follows the government’s orders, is one permitted to continue teaching there?
Is the University institute permitted to remain open if it is forced to take action that is K’Neged HaTorah?
How should Orthodox Jewry as a whole react even if their own Yeshiva is not affected?
Is this reminiscent of the closing of Yeshivas Volozhin?

08/28/21 - SHIUR 336 (28,112 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Shidduch Research – How much should be researched before agreeing to a shidduch?

What’s researched in advance by the parents, and what’s left for the boy and girl to figure out?
What specific questions should be asked? What can’t be asked? What must be asked? Who should – and should not – be asked?

02/13/21 - SHIUR 310 (21,344 Downloads)

Jewish Media

What is role of Jewish media in the frum world today? Has their influence usurped the Rabbonim? What is the red line for crass consumerism? Are they making the singers and musician into Jewish celebrities? Is it their job to stay politically neutral or can they slant their opinions? and much more…

09/21/19 - SHIUR 238 (20,334 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Financial challenges of the workplace, and how to stay out of the “headlines”

Does the employer or employee get to keep the frequent flyer miles, is bathroom time on the clock, how sick do you need to be to take a “sick day,” taking personal calls on company time, using the company printer, and much more…

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