748 Shlomie Zimmerman - Halacha Headlines

Dr. Shlomie Zimmerman

05/16/24 - SHIUR 467 (22,500 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means?

What keeps us spending when we can’t afford it?
What’s the impact on children when parents have an expensive standard of living?
Is there an obligation to refrain from looking at materialism which may tempt us?
Can we spend on luxuries when people need tzedakah?
What are the minimums required to celebrate a bar/bas mitzvah and a wedding?
Can having a low-budget bar/bas mitzvah or wedding hurt our children longer-term?

08/03/23 - SHIUR 430 (31,230 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

LGBTQ+ and “Pride Parades” – How is it impacting us? Should we explain it to our children?

How should I react when the “Pride Parade” goes by my home in Yerushalayim?
How should I explain the rainbow flag to my 10-year-old?
Are we being influenced by secular values? If so, how are we seeing those influences?
How do we strengthen our own values?
Is being active in the rainbow movement worse than Chilul Shabbos?
Is it a chilul Hashem to go against the “enlightened” values of secular society?

02/17/23 - SHIUR 408 (23,570 Downloads)

Looking out for Shemiras Einayim – How to deal with the scourge of pornography

How to address this issue with our youth?
How to prevent it from becoming an issue?
What percent of Frum Yidden are struggling?
What should people who are struggling do?
Is this struggle unique in our generation?
How to get help on this taboo subject

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