Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce? - Halacha Headlines
11/04/22 - SHIUR 393

Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce?

Is same sex attraction real? Hear about it in real life  with “Sara” – A wife of someone who has SSA

Can the mother have custody of the boys when the father has a Mitzvah to teach his children Torah?
Are you allowed to say Loshon Horah when asked Shidduch information about your ex- spouse?
Are you allowed to say the divorce wasn’t messy?
Can you hide your assets to give less alimony?
If a spouse is violating the divorce agreement and Beis Din can’t enforce it, are you allowed to go to secular court?
If one of the spouses goes off the Derech how should it be dealt with?
How are the ex-spouses supposed to communicate with each other?
If one of the spouses remarries, how do they walk down to the Chuppah?


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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Y Kaltman

Good evening,

With regards to this weeks riddles For the first one we can see that the difference is that by the circumcision the father gets the mitzvah and the son gets the pain so it would be on the unsympathetic to say the shehechiyuna
By the inheritance the mourner is the same one who gets the inheritance so they can come to terms with the happiness of the occasion.
With regards to the second riddle I think the difference is that by Pharo  his servants had brought Sara to him so he could say that he relied on them, but by Avimelech it says that avimelech was the one who called Sara so he was responsible to do the research.
With regards to last week’s riddle I’m surprised no one said the answer that I said that the difference was that Rochel was cursed by Yacov and Avraham was not. Am I missing something?
With regards to ” Sara “ you had on this week I wonder if you could get on your shiur a person married to someone who is SSA who is happily married (And I’m referring to a man married to a woman). Obviously Sara’s story is heartbreaking and the story you told is heartbreaking, but I’m wondering if there are other times when it does work out.
Thank you for halacha headlines!
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Sarah pseudonym, Rabbi Avrohom Kahan, Rabbi Yitzchak Gruenbaum
Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce?
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Sarah pseudonym, Rabbi Avrohom Kahan, Rabbi Yitzchak Gruenbaum
Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce?
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