Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it - Halacha Headlines
10/27/22 - SHIUR 392

Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it

How does Halacha view mental health?
Can you be Mechalel Shabbos?
How do deal with OCD and Mitzvah observance?
When someone comes to therapy and is saying lashon Horah or talking bad about parents is that a problem? Especially when the therapist is encouraging it.
Can you tell an eating disorder patient to eat on Yom Kippur?
What to say when it comes to Shidduchim and you have privileged information?
And much more…


This letter was posted in an online group. This clearly shows that the OK is updating and reinforcing policy. Whether or not this is sufficient is a different conversation.

On a separate note, the vitriol of some callers is completely inappropriate and should be the topic of a future episode. Calling you someone who doesn’t know how to learn, or a name, this has no place. We had an unfortunate experience a few years ago when we hosted a relative from a “top yeshiva” in EY. We live in a chardal, torani leumi yishuv with six daf yomi shiurim, a full day kollel and a full night kollel. This guest spent the entire shabbos mocking the “mizrachi”, “Rav Soleveitchik” and even his parents “My Pops thinks he’s against supporting for that long, but pops, when the time comes you are gonna pay up.” My wife was shaken.

This attitude needs to be addressed. The ad hominem personal attacks from people who have accomplished so little, needs to be corrected. Middos matter. Hadracha matters. And I truly believe that sending a 20 year old to a yeshiva without madrichim or real hadracha is a risk to their spiritual development.

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Y Kaltmann

Thank you for the Divar Torah about the esrog whenever you talk on this topic I find it uplifting

With regards to the first riddle I don’t think the two cases are comparable because unlike Rochel Avrham was never cursed by a tzadik

With regards to the second riddle I have maybe a bit of a more creative approach, that although noach did not save the fish by taking them on the ark, still by saving the animals and the insects, that saved the plants (you can’t have flowers without bees pollinating them for example, and I’m sure there are many many other parts to this) which ultimately affected the oceans (co2 levels in the world etc. I don’t have a clear understanding of how this works), which saved the fish.
In other words I’m saying that noach saved the ecosystem of the world and without it the fish also cannot survive.

It’s also interesting to note that the fish whenever explicitly forbidden to Adam.

And although it would fit for rashi to make mention that the reason WHY the animals were permitted to Noah was because he saved them I do not believe rashi makes mention of this REASON

Good Shabbos!


א- החיד”א בספר פתח עינים כותב שרחל לא לקחה התרפים כדי להפריש אביה מע”ז שהרי כמה מיני ע”ז היה לבן עובד ואטו ע”י לקיחת התרפים היה מונע מלעבוד ע”ז עיי”ש, [ודבריו עולים עם מה שמובא בבעלי תוס’ בשם פרקי דר”א שעד שברחו לא לקחה את התרפים שהרי הטעם שלקחה התרפים היה בשביל שהיו מדברים והיתה דואגת שיאמרו ללבן שברחו], וא”כ מובן היטב, לעולם כל שהוא לתועלת להפריש מע”ז ודאי לא שייך עונש על ידה, ולכן אצל תרח הלא מצינו שלבסוף עשה תשובה וע”כ אברהם אבינו השפיע על אביו משא”כ אצל רחל כהנ”ל

ב- ידוע בשם אחד מגדול החסידות חידוש שלעולם לא הותרו דגים עד מתן תורה, ומטעם אלמלא קיבלו ישראל את התורה היה הקב”ה מחזיר העולם לתהו ובהו, אבל מהלך זו לא עולה עם מש”כ הרמב”ן פרק ט’ מפורש שדגים הותרו מיד אחרי המבול, ולכאו’ היה נראה בפשיטות ופשוט הוא אי לאו שנח היה מוצא חן בעיני ד’ ודאי היה נחרב העולם, ותכלית הבריאה לא היה בעבור דגים ודו”ק

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Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Rabbi Moshe Rotberg
Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it
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Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Rabbi Moshe Rotberg
Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it
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