What makes for Effective Dating? - Halacha Headlines

Is it okay to date two pepole at the same time?
Can you test your date’s middos, and if so, to what extent?
What should be the goal of dating?
What is the most important thing for a person to do when dating? Is love necessary?
Is choosing from pictures and photo albums/catalogs effective in choosing who to date?
What are current trends in dating? What types of singles events are being held?
Are friends helpful or hurtful in getting dating advice?


Shiur 365 Riddle


בשם האדמו”ר מגור הואיל ולא נברא אש עד מוצ”ש א”כ לא שבת הקב”ה כביכול ממלאכת הבערה וא”כ הו”א שאינה מלאכה האסורה בשבת
אולם עיין רבינו בחיי כאן יען שרוב מלאכות ע”י אש והיא תחילת מלאכה וכדכתיב ביום ראשון ויהי אור

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Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Mrs. Chani Juravel, Dr. Avi Muschel, Mr. Micah Friedland
What makes for Effective Dating?
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Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Mrs. Chani Juravel, Dr. Avi Muschel, Mr. Micah Friedland
What makes for Effective Dating?
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