
05/23/24 - SHIUR 468 (16,798 Downloads)

Conflict with the In-Laws – what causes it, how to deal with it

How do you handle a conflict between honoring in-laws and honoring your own parents?
Are there times that married children need to listen to input from in-laws?
Are there halachos about what to call your in-laws?
What does a mother-in-law do when she sees deficiencies in her daughter-in-law
Are there typically father-in-law issues, and if so, what?
What are healthy boundaries, and how do you establish them?

02/22/24 - SHIUR 457 (23,450 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Avoiding the #1 reason for divorce – how to stay connected with your spouse and not drift apart

What are the halachic obligations spouses have to each other?
How does a relationship change over the course of a marriage?
Are there differences in how to stay connected at the beginning of marriage, in the middle and later in life?
What causes spouses to disconnect from each other?
Can you reconnect once you have already disconnected?
What’s the impact of social media on marriages?

08/24/23 - SHIUR 433 (25,710 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Conflict in marriage – how to fight effectively

Are there Halachos on how spouses should engage in conflict?
Do men and women fight differently?
What are the top 3 things men complain about regarding their wives and vice versa?
Should conflict be avoided or embraced?
What are effective methods to deal with conflicts?

05/04/23 - SHIUR 418 (25,898 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What’s Shana Rishona about? Should it be spent in Ramat Eshkol/Yerushlayim on the parents’ tab?

What’s the source and reason for having a Shana Rishona?
What are the halachic requirements? How should the year be spent?
What are common issues that come up?
What preparation can be done to make a Shana Rishona easier?
What are the basic halachos of kavod to in-laws? What should in-laws be called?
How does a new Kallah properly interact with her new brothers-in-law?
How does a new Chosson interact with his sisters-in-law?

03/16/23 - SHIUR 412 (23,004 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What makes for Effective Dating?

Is it okay to date two pepole at the same time?
Can you test your date’s middos, and if so, to what extent?
What should be the goal of dating?
What is the most important thing for a person to do when dating? Is love necessary?
Is choosing from pictures and photo albums/catalogs effective in choosing who to date?
What are current trends in dating? What types of singles events are being held?
Are friends helpful or hurtful in getting dating advice?

01/27/23 - SHIUR 405 (24,848 Downloads)

Whom should you marry?

How Makpid should we be on names in marriage (father in law and son in law with the same names etc)?
Can younger siblings get married before older siblings?
Marrying for money?
How important is the family (if there’s a sibling off the derech etc)?
Marrying into a family of Baalei Teshuvos?
Health in the family what do you have to divulge?
How should people be dating?
What common mistakes are they making?
How do you know if you are getting bad advice?

12/16/22 - SHIUR 399 (22,312 Downloads)

Chasunah Halachos & Minhagim in all Kehilos | Eight Chanukah Riddles – Win a Chanukah gift !!!!!!

Marching down flower girls to the Chuppah – Is that a Jewish thing or is it חוקות הגוים?
Standing up for the Chosson and Kallah when they walk down, is that a Jewish custom?
Are you supposed to stand up during the recital of the Sheva Brochos?
Walking down to the Chuppah – Should the parents walk down their child – or both fathers should walk down the Chosson, and both mothers the Kallah? What if they are divorced or one of the parents was Niftar?
Are the Chosson and Kallah permitted to hold hands after the Chuppah?
Should the Kallah come into the men’s side during the dancing?
Does the Kallah have to wear a Sheitel by the Chasunah?
The minhag by various Chasidim for the woman to shave her head
Mitzvah Tantz – What’s the Mitzvah? Or is it actually an Aveira?
If there’s any conflict in Minhagim, whose Minhag is done the Chosson’s or the Kallah’s?

11/18/22 - SHIUR 395 (31,406 Downloads)

Life Before Divorce – How do we stop the upward trend of divorce in our communities?

Does a wife have to take on her husband’s Chumros?
Should you be your spouse’s Mashgiach?
Is there a Mitzvah of כיבוד אב ואם when parents are meddling into the children’s lives?
If a Chosson or Kallah teacher taught incorrectly and it lead to divorce, are they obligated to pay for damages?
Why are there so many divorces these days?
Are they all frivolous or necessary?
Why are so many young people coming home so quickly? Are they immature, unwilling to put the work in?
When is it time for therapy and when is it time to give up on therapy?
Is therapy the problem or the solution?
What is the solution?
How can we stop this tidal wave?

07/08/22 - SHIUR 378 (24,414 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What should a wife do if she simply has had it with her husband? Plus, revisiting the “Surrendered Wife” and responding to those who complained about the earlier show

Are friends a replacement for a therapist?
What’s appropriate to discuss with friends, and what’s not?
How should a wife handle when her husband lives a lifestyle she does not approve of?
How should the husband handle his wife “being on his case”?
Can a non-Jewish book be used for Shalom Bayis?
Is there a Torah hashkafa in how to handle Shalom Bayis issues?
What if the wife is the problem?

05/20/22 - SHIUR 371 (30,498 Downloads)

Roe v. Wade revisited – Should we be debating it? | Impacts made by individuals – Recollections from the lives of Harav Nota Greenblatt Zt”l & Reb Zecharia Wallerstein Zt”l

The Chafetz Chaim on debates with Apikorsim
Hear about the man who preserved Kedushas Yisroel for the last seventy years

The Shidduch initiative – A glimpse into the life of Reb Zecharia Wallerstein

05/07/22 - SHIUR 369 (31,130 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What makes a successful marriage? What are common mistakes that should be avoided?

What’s the most important ingredient to have a successful marriage?
What are significant issues that are easy to resolve? What are some common mistakes that spouses make?
What can boys and girls in Shidduchim – or even earlier – do to prepare for a successful marriage?
What should be done when a couple hits turbulence during marriage?
How to handle disagreements over: money, having additional children, conflicting minhagim, where to send kids to school and more

12/04/21 - SHIUR 348 (26,606 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Why do some people lie, or cover up information, when being a shidduch reference? What happens when information is not disclosed and the couple gets married?

What needs to be disclosed (e.g., having a colorful background, health problems, addictions)?
When and by whom?
How should we respond to shidduch inquiries when asked?
Should references disclose everything? Can they lie?
Are people typically lax in disclosing?
Do certain segments of Judaism fail to disclose more than others?
Can things be patched up when problems are discovered after marriage?

10/02/21 - SHIUR 339 (32,916 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should a husband always give in to his wife’s requests? Is the husband always to blame when there are Shalom Bayis problems? Can we change our spouses when something bothers us?

Are any deficiencies a husband sees in his wife really his own deficiencies, as claimed in the Garden of Peace?
Should a husband ever remark, comment, or criticize his wife? What about for a gross misdeed?
What issues do husbands complain about in their wives and vice versa?
Is there anything that can be done?

08/28/21 - SHIUR 336 (28,130 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Shidduch Research – How much should be researched before agreeing to a shidduch?

What’s researched in advance by the parents, and what’s left for the boy and girl to figure out?
What specific questions should be asked? What can’t be asked? What must be asked? Who should – and should not – be asked?

07/24/21 - SHIUR 331 (32,474 Downloads)

Are we preparing our children properly for marriage? The Message of Tu B’Av

Hear from the experts
Why is the divorce rate in our communities escalating at an alarmimg rate? -Hear the astonishing numbers
Should something be added in our children’s school curriculum to better prepare them?
How to deal with a spouse that has changed? and much more…

02/06/21 - SHIUR 309 (26,350 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

The Torah view of Alternative lifestyles, Liberalism, and Progressivism

Which liberal and progressive ideas conflict with the Torah? How should Jewish institutions handle LGBT pressures by a member? How does the secular view of sexuality compare to that of the Torah? Should we educate our children about these issues, or keep silent? Should someone with these beliefs and/or practices be distanced? Not given an Aliya?

11/14/20 - SHIUR 297 (29,804 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How much (or little) should a husband help at home?

Halachically, does a husband need to help at all? Who needs to do the dishes, laundry and the like? What if the wife always needs help during his learning or work time? What if she’s a very needy person who should be handling more? What if he helps, but the wife doesn’t like the way he does things? What are healthy expectations for boys and girls getting into marriage? What if there’s a gap between expectations and reality?

04/25/20 - SHIUR 269 (19,906 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Avrohom Kahan

Divorces and Parent Alienation: What’s the Halacha and Hashkafic Approach

How should a person deal with deal with parental alienation? What mistakes are being made? Divorce in the frum community, protecting the children, Bais Din vs. secular court

12/28/19 - SHIUR 252 (42,668 Downloads)

Horror Agunah Stories – Prenuptial Agreements: Halacha, Hashkafa and Practicality – Don’t get married or allow your child to get married without listening to this program

How to insure against the horrors of divorce or being left an aguna: The new Prenuptial that has the Haskamos of Gedolei HaPoskim. Horror Agunah stories that prenups would have helped. Is it a forced Get? Do they actually work? Can it solve the Agunah crisis?

12/14/19 - SHIUR 250 (39,788 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Quick Divorces” after marriage. Why are they happening? Can they be avoided?

Why are “quick divorces” happening? What’s a good reason to get divorced quickly? Is “incompatibility” enough? What needs to be disclosed while dating? Addictions, mental disorders, abuse? How should references respond to Shidduch inquiries?

11/23/19 - SHIUR 247 (28,272 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Broken Engagements” in Halachah, Hashkafah and Psychology

Why are there so many broken engagements nowadays? How can they be avoided? Does the one who breaks the shidduch get penalized? Do the ring, sheitel and other gifts need to be returned? Who pays the costs which were committed to (wedding hall, photographer, band, make-up artist)? Does the Shadchan need to return the Shadchanus?

12/05/15 - SHIUR 46 (2,816 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos: Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita

Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita.
He will be talking in English a conversation with Dovid Lichtenstein about modern contemporary halachic issues.
Topics will include Hafgaas kidushin in todays age, genetic testing,  prenuptial agreements in todays times, is it a smart idea, is it halachically acceptable? vaccinations for children, should one follow his doctors advice or his Rovs? shaking hands with the opposite gender in the workplace, motion sensors, the kosher switch and grama on shabbos. Daas torah: what lesson should be taken from the…

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