Doctors Archives - Halacha Headlines


09/01/23 - SHIUR 434 (27,174 Downloads)

מי יחיה מי ימות Community organizations dealing with life and death issues daily and some of the שאלות that arise

For what type of situations should you be calling Hatzalah.
How should you call Hatzalah – with a shinui etc ?
Can you turn on outside lights to make it easier for Hatzalah to identify the house?
If you have to go to the hospital on Shabbos what do you have to know – what can you take clothes, phone, wallet etc?
Is it better to go with Hatzalah or drive yourself or go with uber?
Do you have to go to the closest hospital or to a further one – out of the T’Chum
Should you cancel Hatzolah if all is good and you don’t need them anymore?
If you madean early Shabbos should you be Matir Neder and then drive youself to the hospital?
Who can go along with the patient?
What can you or can’t you do in the hospital?
When can you come back home on Shabbos and when not?

10/27/22 - SHIUR 392 (25,630 Downloads)

Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it

How does Halacha view mental health?
Can you be Mechalel Shabbos?
How do deal with OCD and Mitzvah observance?
When someone comes to therapy and is saying lashon Horah or talking bad about parents is that a problem? Especially when the therapist is encouraging it.
Can you tell an eating disorder patient to eat on Yom Kippur?
What to say when it comes to Shidduchim and you have privileged information?
And much more…

03/28/20 - SHIUR 265 (21,788 Downloads)

Contemporary Corona Halacha questions

Paying playgroups and tuitions, deposits on hotels for Pesach and chasunos, mikvah and tevilas keilim, taanis bechorim, mattir kitniyos, selling chametz gamur and over phone, autopsies, Milah and metzizah b’peh, being moser on those not following govt guidelines

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