TISHA B’AV All year round – The plight of mature singles and divorcees in our community - Halacha Headlines
07/21/23 - SHIUR 428

TISHA B’AV All year round – The plight of mature singles and divorcees in our community

Listen and cry along and become inspired to help

Shiur Reference Material


Sendy Markowitz

Over the past few months I’ve been listening to your podcast and I would like to thank you for discussing these important topics.

These discussions are done in a professional way and should be discussed.

Thanks for hosting it.

Thank you for publicizing the plights of divorcees and older singles. I cried a few times while listening. Please continue speaking abt these important issues and educating the masses.

“Why are there no programs/organizations geared towards divorced men?” I feel like that is title for my suggestion. A divorced friend of mine asked me this question and it got me thinking. Whenever there is an initiative to help “divorcees”, it seems that these initiatives are overwhelmingly referencing and helping divorced women. I have yet to hear about an organization for divorced men. I feel something like a “Brother to Brother” would be greatly beneficial for those men going through the difficult parsha of divorce, as well as the women and children who are going through that parsha as well. If there was more support/sense of community and less alienation, for divorced men, I can only see how that can benefit the klal.
Food for thought and thanks for reading and considering

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Shiur 365 Riddle

Submitted by Yitzi Kaltmann

1. If judges would become afraid of people then you truly will reach a state of loss of life and that is the bigger loss of life

2. the fact that they needed to come out with swords was showing how afraid they were if they weren’t afraid they would not need to come out with swords being that we were not attacking them.


א- הקושיה חזקה, ומצדדים העולם לפי שיסוד הדין המשפט לאלוהים הוא, וע״כ העמדת הדין על אמיתו יש בה ענין של משפט אלהים אם כן הוא מענין כפירה ויש בה ענין של מסירת נפש.
כתבתי לתרץ ענין מסירת נפש אצל דיין הוא שיד בה מענייני כפירה, וראיתי אתמול בספר אמת ליעקב שמציין שכן מצינו מפורש בספר ים של שלמה מסכת בבא קמא פרק ד

ב- לכאורה בפרשת מטות כל עיקר המלחמה היה שהיה דואג שיבואו לארצו והוא המשך לוימאן

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Sori Zahler, Rabbi Yitzchok Reichman, An older single Sori
TISHA B’AV All year round – The plight of mature singles and divorcees in our community
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Sori Zahler, Rabbi Yitzchok Reichman, An older single Sori
TISHA B’AV All year round – The plight of mature singles and divorcees in our community
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