03/24/18 - SHIUR 164 (9,002 Downloads) The Best of Headlines on Pesach | Family Planning Part 2 Speakers : Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Heber, Rabbi Gershon Bess, Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld, Rabbi Yosef Viener, Rabbi Hershel Shachter, Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein Category : Birth Control, Chametz, Kashrus, Pesach A Pesach Message from HaRav Dovid Cohen Shlit”a Medicines/Tairuvos – What is really Chametz? Machine vs. Shmurah Matzah Family Planning
09/16/17 - SHIUR 135 (15,512 Downloads) Family Planning, a Halachic View | Should financial and other considerations play a factor in having children? Speakers : Rabbi Hershel Shachter, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbi Pesach Schmerling Category : Birth Control
08/29/15 - SHIUR 33 (1,532 Downloads) Financial Considerations and the Mitzvah of Pru U’Revu | E-Cigarettes in Halacha Speakers : Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Category : Birth Control, Health Financial Considerations and the Mitzvah of Pru U’Revu E-Cigarettes in Halacha