
03/08/24 - SHIUR 459 (28,472 Downloads)

Balancing אמונה and Service: The Haredi Dilemma in Military Conscription and Torah Study Commitment | Scaling Tradition: Reevaluating the Chazon Ish’s Conscription Exemption in a Growing Community | Study Time Required for to be מקיים והגית בו יומם ולילה

Don’t we have an Achrayus הַאַחֵיכֶם יָבֹאוּ לַמִּלְחָמָה וְאַתֶּם תֵּשְׁבוּ פֹה?
What difficulties – if any – do Frum soldiers face in the army?
What would a Frum army look like?
When a majority of Eretz Yisroel is Frum what will become of the army?
Are you obligated to learn every spare second you have?
Does it depend on someone’s health, wealth or stamina?

11/24/23 - SHIUR 444 (32,952 Downloads)

Rally or not to Rally? “Chazir Treif” or Kiddush Hashem

Was the Rally in Washington correct?
In Galus do we keep our heads low, or do we try to garner support?
Do we do Hishtadlus or just Daven?
Do we join in rallies with people who don’t have the same belief system as ours?
Historically, what was the approach of the Gedolim?

03/25/22 - SHIUR 364 (26,246 Downloads)

UKRAINE – NAZI GERMANY: Do we hold on to last generations atrocities, or do we let go? | REB CHAIM KANIEVSKY ZT”L, Hear from the inside

Do we Daven for their success or do we remember…
The massacres: The Cossacks ת”ח ות”ט , Massacre of Uman 1768, Odessa Pogrom 1821, 1851, 1871, 1905, Kiev pogrom 1881, 1905, Mass killing of Jews during Russian civil war 1918-1923.Collaboration of Ukrainians with the Nazis killing 900,000 Jews during World War II – Massacres and mass shootings of: Bila Tserkva, Odessa, Babi Yar, Dniepropetrovsk, Drobytsky Yar, Feodosiya, Ivano-Frankovsk, Kamenets-Podolskiy, Klevan, Lviv, Lwów professors, Mezhirichi, Mizoch, Nikolaev, Olyka, Pliskov, Terebovl, Zhytomyr
Would you buy a Mercedes or BMW?
The Germans killed out half of the Jewish people…
Are grandchildren accountable for their grandparents’ sins?

Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zt”l: Hear personal stories from inside his house

02/15/20 - SHIUR 259 (25,372 Downloads)

Yerushah and Nepotism in our Mosdos Hatorah in Halacha, Hashkafah, and History

Should sons and sons in law be the Yoresh of a Chassidus, a Yeshiva, a Rabbanus, or should the Yoresh be the most qualified to replace? When did it change in our Yeshivos? What to do in a family business? Severance pay to children, and much more…

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