
07/18/24 - SHIUR 475 (20,396 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Assassinations and Targeted Killings in Halacha – Donald Trump, Mohammad Deif, etc.

What’s the rationale to halachically permit targeted killings of Israel’s enemies?
Is there any difference between a targeted killing during an active war and when there’s no active war being fought?
What if there’s only a 10%, 20% or 30% chance that the target is where you think he is?
Do you need to be concerned about collateral damage during a targeted killing? And, what if it could be significant?
Is there a problem celebrating when our enemies are killed?

01/25/24 - SHIUR 453 (23,726 Downloads)

The Shulchan Aruch of war

Abortion of a fetus conceived through rape
Women tying tzitzis
Sheva brachos without the chosson or kallah
Returning home before Shabbos if one knows they will be called up on Shabbos
Returning home while one’s wife is a niddah if he doesn’t think he’ll be able to withstand the temptation to hug
A hug before a spouse leaves for battle if the wife is Niddah
Burying blood-soaked cars
Pidyon Haben when the father or kohen is not present
Shortening the taharah process for Niddah during wartime
Saying shehecheyanu when one will not light or even see Chanukah candles
Eating homemade foods sent to the front
Matzah bakery that ran into a shelter in middle of making Matzos
Running to a shelter in middle of Shemone Esrei or Krias HaTorah
Yichud in a shelter
Rewriting Kesubos for people in the North or South who evacuated their homes
A Kohein entering an Ohel Hameis for shelter during a siren

01/18/24 - SHIUR 452 (19,976 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Dealing with traumatic times – how to dig out of a rut

What’s currently causing us the most trauma? The war? The captives? Antisemitism? Something else?
What’s the implication of not getting a body back from Hamas, and therefore no Kevura and no closure?
Is hearing the news and looking at war images helpful or hurtful?
How are students from out of Israel who are studying in Yeshivos and Seminaries in Israel handling the war?
How can we turn our current plight into a growth opportunity?
Will we have “Post-Traumatic Stress” or “Post-Traumatic Growth” from the war?

01/11/24 - SHIUR 451 (20,114 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What’s really going on in the Gaza battlefield. In Memory of Yakir and David HY”D – “Chavrusas in life, Chavrusas in death, Chavrusas in Olam Habah”

How to handle the stress of having a close relative fighting in Gaza and the loss of a loved one killed in battle.
Is there a halachic requirement that the IDF bury dead Hamas terrorists? Other Gazans?
What are the IDF soldiers experiencing? What about their parents, wives, and close friends?
Is it okay for soldiers to use the homes of Gazans without consent? Can soldiers use the food of Gazans left in their pantries and cook in their pots?
What are some of the unique halachic questions being asked by soldiers, their wives, and their families?

01/28/17 - SHIUR 102 (6,584 Downloads)

Revisiting our relationship with Lubavitch, Can an older single woman fearful of never getting married become a mother thru IVF?, West Bank Settlers: Putting your family in danger?

Revisiting our relationship with Lubavich

Can an older single woman fearful of never getting married become a mother thru IVF?

West Bank Settlers: Putting your family in danger or protecting our Borders? what is the Halacha?

09/10/16 - SHIUR 82 (2,988 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos with Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl

Exchanging terrorists for a solider- The Gilad Shalit deal

Going up to the Har Habayis

Women of the Wall

Women saying Kaddish

Video cameras on Shabbos

Burial in Eretz Yisroel

Havdalah and Amein over the telephone

Webcam- Does it solve Yichud and Cholov Yisroel

Going to Uman for Rosh Hashana

Kollel vs. Kiruv

When’s it time to leave Kollel

Treating wounded terrorists

Killing a terrorist where others will get killed with him

12/05/15 - SHIUR 46 (2,816 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos: Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita

Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita.
He will be talking in English a conversation with Dovid Lichtenstein about modern contemporary halachic issues.
Topics will include Hafgaas kidushin in todays age, genetic testing,  prenuptial agreements in todays times, is it a smart idea, is it halachically acceptable? vaccinations for children, should one follow his doctors advice or his Rovs? shaking hands with the opposite gender in the workplace, motion sensors, the kosher switch and grama on shabbos. Daas torah: what lesson should be taken from the…

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