Health Archives - Halacha Headlines


07/12/24 - SHIUR 474 (28,916 Downloads)

Halacha: Can an aging forgetful leader be replaced? | Should you allow your daughter to go out with a boy who smokes or vapes?

Should you allow your daughter to go out with a boy who smokes or vapes?
Is a smoker Possul Lei’dus?
If your father asks you to buy him a pack of cigarettes are you allowed to listen?
When a president loses his sanity does he lose his staus as a president?
Would Halacha require an aging forgetful leader to step down?
If the population loses their trust in the president (or leader) can they Halachically oust him?
When a husband loses his sanity can his wife or children take away his business?
When a father loses his sanity can his children take from his money for their wedding expenses?

09/01/23 - SHIUR 434 (27,160 Downloads)

מי יחיה מי ימות Community organizations dealing with life and death issues daily and some of the שאלות that arise

For what type of situations should you be calling Hatzalah.
How should you call Hatzalah – with a shinui etc ?
Can you turn on outside lights to make it easier for Hatzalah to identify the house?
If you have to go to the hospital on Shabbos what do you have to know – what can you take clothes, phone, wallet etc?
Is it better to go with Hatzalah or drive yourself or go with uber?
Do you have to go to the closest hospital or to a further one – out of the T’Chum
Should you cancel Hatzolah if all is good and you don’t need them anymore?
If you madean early Shabbos should you be Matir Neder and then drive youself to the hospital?
Who can go along with the patient?
What can you or can’t you do in the hospital?
When can you come back home on Shabbos and when not?

10/24/20 - SHIUR 294 (17,590 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Police and Police Enforcement; what if it’s discriminatory

Is sticking up for our rights a Kiddush HaShem or Chilul HaShem? Is holding a protest the right way? Do we need to strictly comply with secular law, or is there flexibility? What if the enforcement of the laws is discriminatory against observant Jews? What if we disagree with the laws? What if the laws close down our yeshivos, shuls and weddings?

10/17/20 - SHIUR 293 (19,074 Downloads)

Being in the Headlines – Did we forget we are in Galus?

Our communities response to Covid examined halachically:
Agudah: A remarkable change of decades of policy unnoticed by many
Lakewood: Is the Covid Vaads Psak that a shul is מגין ומציל and therefore no need for masks consistent with Halacha?
The multitudes of sick in Monroe: Is there a mitzvah of Hatzala to a community that exhibits reckless behavior?
Belz: Is it justified to risk lives of some to save lives of others?

03/28/20 - SHIUR 265 (21,780 Downloads)

Contemporary Corona Halacha questions

Paying playgroups and tuitions, deposits on hotels for Pesach and chasunos, mikvah and tevilas keilim, taanis bechorim, mattir kitniyos, selling chametz gamur and over phone, autopsies, Milah and metzizah b’peh, being moser on those not following govt guidelines

12/05/15 - SHIUR 46 (2,792 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos: Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita

Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita.
He will be talking in English a conversation with Dovid Lichtenstein about modern contemporary halachic issues.
Topics will include Hafgaas kidushin in todays age, genetic testing,  prenuptial agreements in todays times, is it a smart idea, is it halachically acceptable? vaccinations for children, should one follow his doctors advice or his Rovs? shaking hands with the opposite gender in the workplace, motion sensors, the kosher switch and grama on shabbos. Daas torah: what lesson should be taken from the…

11/07/15 - SHIUR 42 (1,566 Downloads)

Discrimination and the situation in Israel today | Vaccination in Halacha | Alternative Lifestyles | Smoking in Halacha | Elana Silber of Sharsheret

Discrimination and the Situation in Israel today Vaccination in Halacha Alternative Lifestyles Smoking in Halacha Ilana Silver of Sharsheret: An Organization that helps Women with Breast Cancer

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