Rabbonim Archives - Halacha Headlines


08/18/23 - SHIUR 432 (26,600 Downloads)

Exclusivity or Community: The dilemma of school selection policies | The love of the Tosher Rebbe ZT”L

Is having discriminatory school acceptance policies Halachically allowed?
What damage are we doing to our children?
Do we have a communal obligation to accept all children into schools?
Is there a difference between a boys school and a girls school?
Can schools force people to accept upon themselves Chumros, in order that their kids should be accepted?
Can schools claim they hold themselves to certain standards, if they overlook these standards for affluent members of the community?
Is this the first time in history there was an elitist attitude?

12/02/22 - SHIUR 397 (22,126 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Abuse and Abuse Coverups in Our Communities

Should a Rabbi meet in his office with a woman?
What’s enough proof to start warning other women? Do recordings suffice?
When do we go to the police?
When do we keep abuse quiet and when do we publicize the dangers?
What’s going on in the head of an abuser? Is he not worried about getting caught?
Why would followers of a Rabbi coverup his abuses?

07/29/22 - SHIUR 381 (25,870 Downloads)

The Warsaw Ghetto – The Uprising: Was it Halachically sanctioned? Hear from the grandson of Reb Menachem Zemba’s lookout

The history of the ghetto
Is it a form of Kiddush Hashem to go down fighting rather than getting killed passively?
Are you allowed to resist when you technically won’t win: Is it a form of suicide?
Are you causing others to get killed?
The controversy surrounding Reb Menachem Zemba’s view
Are leaders obligated not to abandon their flock or do thet have to leave to save their lives?

01/28/22 - SHIUR 356 (27,330 Downloads)

Who owns a yeshivah? Who owns a Shul?

Who owns the money of a Yeshivah?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah sell his Yeshivah in America and relocate the Yeshivah to Eretz Yisroel?
Does the administration have a right to pocket the money if the Yeshivah folds, or does the money have to be given to another Yeshivah ?
Does the donor get back his money or get to decide where the money goes?
Do the legal laws of nonprofits apply to Yeshivos – Dina d’Malchusa Dina?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah take a severance package? How much? Is 21 million dollars too much?
What happened by the dispute of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s libary

04/17/21 - SHIUR 318 (23,054 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How has Rabbanus (being a shul Rabbi) changed over the past 40+ years?

What are the strangest shaylos a shul Rav is asked? What about 40+ years ago? What are the greatest challenges and difficulties encountered by a shul Rav? How have things changed? What’s most enjoyable, and what’s the least enjoyable? What are congregants struggling with the most today?

03/13/21 - SHIUR 314 (19,058 Downloads)

Governor Cuomo Scandal – How does the Torah view allegations

Balancing protecting from the predator to protecting the reputation of the accused, Should the jewish media be reporting offenders to make awareness? Are allegations to be believed if they can be poliitcally motivated?
The Ne’emanus of women, Are offenders habitual?, and much more…

06/13/20 - SHIUR 276 (20,586 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What people fight over in Shul and how to resolve the machlokes, plus: SHOCKING Gabbai stories from the trenches

Two Aveilim want the Amud, someone’s not keeping his corona mask on, Tzedakah collectors during corona, he’s in my “Makom Kavua”, he’s davening too loud, the Chazan is too slow, close the window, it’s cold!!, open the window, it’s hot!, this shul is Nusach Ashkenaz!
How do “out-of-town” Shuls compare to “in-town” Shuls? What issues do women deal with in shul?

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