
06/24/22 - SHIUR 376 (26,900 Downloads)

Mechitzas – When do we need one? + Music Part III (a supplement to the previous Shiurim)

Simchas:  Chupa, Chasuna, Sheva Brochos Do any of them need a Mechitza?
Does a concert need to have a Mechitza or is mixed seating/family seating allowed?
Why is a Mechitza not mentioned in Shulchan Aruch The only Charedi Yeshivah that has a music room

06/07/22 - SHIUR 373 (22,826 Downloads)

The sound of Music Part I – Hear from the biggest names in Jewish Music

Hear a firsthand report how Reb Aharon Leib Steinman ZT”l encouraged concerts
Hear how music is keeping our youth from falling away How has Jewish music evolved over the years?
What makes a song Jewish?
What’s the point of music entertainment or inspiration? T
he new style of Jewish music – Is it Jewish?
Is the Jewish music style these days real or just a passing fad?

04/24/21 - SHIUR 319 (17,436 Downloads)

Sefirah and Lag Baomer – All you need to know

What’s the source of the proihbition of music? Is recordings, acapella and other forms of music forbidden?
Can you shave your beard? Can you make Shecheyanu?
Should you go to Meron this year or will it cause Chilul Shabbos? Does the pigrimage to Meron repair Charedi Chiloni relations?
What’s the real source of the Yom Tov of Lag Baomer?
A novel approach to the source of Lag Baomer

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