Rabbi Paysach Krohn

05/07/22 - SHIUR 369 (31,138 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What makes a successful marriage? What are common mistakes that should be avoided?

What’s the most important ingredient to have a successful marriage?
What are significant issues that are easy to resolve? What are some common mistakes that spouses make?
What can boys and girls in Shidduchim – or even earlier – do to prepare for a successful marriage?
What should be done when a couple hits turbulence during marriage?
How to handle disagreements over: money, having additional children, conflicting minhagim, where to send kids to school and more

06/13/20 - SHIUR 276 (20,598 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What people fight over in Shul and how to resolve the machlokes, plus: SHOCKING Gabbai stories from the trenches

Two Aveilim want the Amud, someone’s not keeping his corona mask on, Tzedakah collectors during corona, he’s in my “Makom Kavua”, he’s davening too loud, the Chazan is too slow, close the window, it’s cold!!, open the window, it’s hot!, this shul is Nusach Ashkenaz!
How do “out-of-town” Shuls compare to “in-town” Shuls? What issues do women deal with in shul?

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