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02/25/22 - SHIUR 360 (21,006 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Pesach Lerner

An eye on Eretz Yisroel – Answer the call

The battles against Yiddishkeit that are going on, and how you can make a difference
The battle against the Kosel
Chizuk from his life and the life of his wife – giving over her last will and testament to Klal Yisroel with Jonathan Pollard
Join American Jewry in the battle – One Kosel Campaign
Preserving Har Hazeisim
On the political front
What was done, what’s being done and the goals for the future

04/24/21 - SHIUR 319 (17,436 Downloads)

Sefirah and Lag Baomer – All you need to know

What’s the source of the proihbition of music? Is recordings, acapella and other forms of music forbidden?
Can you shave your beard? Can you make Shecheyanu?
Should you go to Meron this year or will it cause Chilul Shabbos? Does the pigrimage to Meron repair Charedi Chiloni relations?
What’s the real source of the Yom Tov of Lag Baomer?
A novel approach to the source of Lag Baomer

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