Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer

12/09/22 - SHIUR 398 (22,322 Downloads)

Seudas Shabbos – Eating out by others who have different Kashrus standards than you | Kiruv – Who should you and who shouldn’t you invite to your home?

Should you in invite guests/ Kiruv at your Shabbos Seudos or is at expense of your children’s Shabbos experience and your relationship with your children?
If someone has different Kashrus standards than you can you eat in their house? What if they’ll be insulted if you don’t come?
What type of a Chezkas Kashrus does a person need to eat by him? If you’re a bachur and someone you don’t know, in shul, invites you, what constitutes a Chezkas Kashrus?
If you know your host is ‘modern’ for example he keeps Kashrus, Shabbos and Taharas Hamishpacha, can you eat there? What about if he tells you I bought the highest degree of kashrus for you, is he נאמן?

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