Rabbi Aron Moss

10/10/24 - SHIUR 486 (22,672 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What’s the role of a shul Rav during the Yomim Tovim? What are the most common and unusual questions being asked to our Rabbanim?

Are your responsibilities as a shul Rav any different during this time of year?
What questions are people asking you?
Is the war in Israel having an impact on you or your community?
What unusual incidents have happened in your shul during The Yomim Tovim?
What’s your favorite Devar Torah for Succos?

04/11/24 - SHIUR 464 (19,986 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Pesach – Great Divrei Torah for your Seder and beyond. Plus, lessons for today from Lavan’s attempt to destroy K’lal Yisroel

What’s your favorite Pesach Devar Torah?
Is there something unique you do at your seder?
What do you do to prepare for Pesach?
Is there something memorable that has happened to you at a seder?

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